When trying to index the Codeingniter website on Google search console, it says "No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag". please help resolve this issue

Hello Sania. First of all, you should be aware that this error is generally not related to which category your website belongs to. Regardless of it being a CodeIgniter or a WordPress site, this issue can arise in anyone of them. Ok, now let's take a look at your concern and why it is occurring.

What I understood from the information you provided is that Google cannot crawl the pages of your website, even the ones you want to get indexed. This problem generally occurs due to any of the following reasons:

Broken Link: When a user or the search engine cannot find any specific URL it is known as a broken link. They are also referred to as "link rots" or "dead links." Web servers generally return an error message when such links are discovered. There are various reasons which can create such links:

  • The owner of the website inserted the wrong URL (mistyped, misspelled, etc. )

  • The URL structure of the site recently experienced a change, and you didn't provide the servers a redirect, which can cause a 404 error.

  • The external link is no longer available online and has been removed permanently.

  • Elements of the page are broken (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, or CMS plugin interference).

  • Geolocation or Firewall restrictions are not allowing any outside access.

You can easily spot these broken links with the help of SEO tools. They crawl each page of your website and provide you the information about the broken links.

This issue can easily be eliminated if you ensure to consider the following:

  • Avoid implementing deep links in your website unless (or until) necessary.

  • If the error occurs in an external link, ensure to reach the linking website and ask them to fix it as soon as possible.

  • Utilize the mechanism of redirection

  • Replace the content the broken link contains

  • Leave them as a 404 error.

Backend error: Ensure that you have not implemented the no-index command in any of your page URLs. This occurs when the link created is incorrectly indexed, and Google fails to crawl it. Again, SEO tools will be at your rescue and will inform you if any such problem appears in the backend of your site.

Since I have not worked on CodeIgniter in the past, I won't be able to provide you with the exact process to resolve the issue. However, the method is readily available on Google, which could be followed to make all your pages indexable.

Please analyze your site thoroughly and ensure that it is not facing any such errors. I'll be looking forward to your reply.

Your webpage has the line:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

in the <head> ... </head> section. Remove that line and Google will be able to index that page.

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