148 Topics

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Member Avatar for Museless

I am trying to find out how to replicate the output of fwrite("andbe", 4, 1, output); an encryption algorithm I am using writes its output as this, but I am sending data across a network, and need to be able to write this to a string to send. The algorithm …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for iampord

Is anybody know what is the easiest way to encrypt and decrypt text from textbox? Thank you in advance. Good day!

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Dear Friends, I have a question in security programming. As all of us know, when we have a database with passwords or anything sensitive, we would like to encrypt it so it is not readable by other. Now I want to know, which of the method is secured or less …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Hello Friends. Im a final year student for COmputer Security / Forensic. Im planning to do a project which requires me to do encryption and decryption. My possible choice of language would be VB.Net. I was wondering if wad is running in my mind can be executed. Well, I would …

Member Avatar for Bheeman89
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm currently looking at password hashing and from what I've read so far, it seems pretty pointless. I read this [URL="http://phpsec.org/articles/2005/password-hashing.html"]article[/URL] which recommends using MD5 or SHA-1, however I Googled for decrypters and found them witin the first 3 results on Google. I don't quite understand the purpose of …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for terexberd

Hey i wanted to know if there's a program that shows u a pattern on how they got the number if i give them 3 examples? for Ex: 1) 35777903801230601 (Encrypted) = 46071642 (Decrypted) 2) 35777903248036801 (Encrypted) = 43975216 (Decrypted) 3) 35777903508068601 (Encrypted) = 91756761 (Decrypted)

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for rohitamitpathak

I am working for encryption and decryption using rsa algorithm ,and adding my own concept in rsa, after rsa and padding i m getting a string like- 100011234A12300A12A231A234A981A for different input output string is increase... Is there any technique by use of that i can compact this string [ then …

Member Avatar for rohitamitpathak
Member Avatar for animanga

I'm attempting to create a one line Caesar cipher decryption program in python and i'm afraid i've come to the end of my knowledge and well past it. this is the closest working code i've got: [code]def test3(): print("The decrypted text is: "+"".join(map(lambda x: chr(ord(x)+y),x)))[/code] as you can see it …

Member Avatar for animanga
Member Avatar for terexberd

Hey i wanted to know if there's a program that shows u a pattern on how they got the number if i give them 3 examples? for Ex: 1) 35777903801230601 (Encrypted) = 46071642 (Decrypted) 2) 35777903248036801 (Encrypted) = 43975216 (Decrypted) 3) 35777903508068601 (Encrypted) = 91756761 (Decrypted)

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Nevillelajru

hi i am looking for some code and step by step instructions for the c sharp encryption and decryption process. if anyone is willing to send me some instructions i would be grateful. thanks Neville

Member Avatar for Nevillelajru
Member Avatar for arun_taurean

Hi guys, I'm looking for AES equivalent inverse cipher...Has any one worked on it.. I need a c code for it ... please it's really very urgent..

Member Avatar for jnawrocki
Member Avatar for rude04

hello everyone,i need to make an encryption/decryption program and I'm almost finished, the problem is when i tried to add some gui an error about throwing exception keeps showing.. this is the code without the gui and it works just fine because the [B]throws Exception[/B] is in the main.. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for rude04
Member Avatar for a_salted_peanut

Hi all, Please bear with me on this as i have not long been learning how PHP works and am still learning VB.NET slowly. I have been testing the code for PHP using the Apache webserver. The problem i am having is, this is the function i am using with …

Member Avatar for DotNetNewbie5
Member Avatar for dev_dani

I format my windows xp and reload xp but my some folder are encrypted they do not open ! they are in another drive . How to open?

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for davi0011

Hello I'm not too experience with c++ but I've learned some of the basics. I tried making a small txt file encryption program however my output prints one too many times to the 2nd txt file. This occurs both when encrypting and decrypting. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for delia99

We may set one password for a file if we don't want others to open it, especially the secrete document. Generally speaking, we are used to writing articles or papers in Microsoft Word. And we may need to encrypt Word document if it is very important for security. Also, when …

Member Avatar for mbhaluni2

I want to create a program that create a file and encrypt it and when the user click the file it will open the program and ask user for password and if the password is correct it will decrypt the file but not save the decrypt file and read the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for SeanC

Hi all, I'm writing a simple encryption algorithm and have stumbled upon a problem relating to the file handling itself. What my program does is reads text from a file, encrypts it, and writes it to another file. That's all well and good, and it works fine - until a …

Member Avatar for SeanC
Member Avatar for ryoonnet

Hi, I want to know if we can use javascript for file encryption (not text). If yes then how? Any help appreciated.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for 0dark

Hello guys, this is my first post, so don't be harsh if I do something stupid. Well, the reason why I'm posting here is because I need to find a method to alter the stream itself, not just the buffer I send to a variable with "file.Read(". For example, lets …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Kontained

Hi all, I'm currently working on a RC4 project for my computer security class. I have looked at the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4"]wikipedia page[/URL] for RC4, and I'm trying to adapt that algorithm to my problem. I can get the correct encrypted text when I just cout the values. However, when I try …

Member Avatar for Kontained
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

This is my Cogwheel Encryption Method to encrypt and decrypt strings. Wheel1 is Replace by Wheel2 when Encrypting and Wheel2 is Replace by wheel1 when you are decrypting... To Encrypt a string, just call the EncryptString function [CODE=vb] Text2.Text = EncryptString(Text1.Text) [/CODE] To Decrypt a string, just call the DecryptString …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for bops

Hello. I am currently working on a little password based file encryption feature for an application I am doing. The following is an incomplete function that I have worked on to encrypt some content and (will eventually) write it to a file. [CODE]public static void encrypt(byte [] data, char [] …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for adman_2005

The program initially asks the user to insert the secret sentence and the encryption code (an integer number in the range 1-100). Then, the program calls a user-defined function void encrypter (char *, int) that accepts the string pointer and the encryption code. The encryption algorithm is based on the …

Member Avatar for jordan00191
Member Avatar for Korakos

Hello! I have i problem i was hoping you could help me with, I have to write a script that will ask the user for a username and password, and validate it through /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. I've looked all over the place for an answer to this and i just …

Member Avatar for Korakos
Member Avatar for newsguy

Back in 1976, along with Stanford University professor Martin Hellman, Whit Diffie produced quite possibly the most important paper in the history of cryptography. That paper, New Directions in Cryptography, laid the groundwork for solving one of the fundamental problems of cryptography, that of key distribution. Now Diffie himself is …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for james chaco

I installed flycryptor software on my system to lock certain files and folders. Now the problem is that those files are encrypted and my friend have uninstalled the software .Those files appear somewhat scary to look at and are not opening properly. So is there any way by which i …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Craig.

I have visited this forum many times in the past and I decided to actually join. My first question - where is the encryption algorithm actually implemented in bluethooth? more specifically bluez. I have been sifting through the bluez code trying to find this, and so far I have only …

Member Avatar for Kruptein

I have found a module pycrypto which has an AES encryption and decryption function, in commandline everything works fine both encryption and decryption, but if I want to implement it in my program, it fails =( [code=python]def aes(txt): global crypt message="".join(txt) #format the message which has to be encrypted/decrypted to …

Member Avatar for jcao219
Member Avatar for GPPK

Hi Guys, I'm really interested in C++ and am currently making a basic Text based poker game. on a sideline to this does anyone know any simple encryption code or where to start when doing this? For instance taking a text file (.txt or even .doc?) and creating your own …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier

The End.