79 Topics

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Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Hi, Seem to be having problem with the password_hash() as it keeps changing the hash value of the same password. Why ? When each time I refresh the page, the $password_hashed value changes! Why ? The $password is still the same who's value is: '123'. And password_verify($password,$db_password) always echoes '1' …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for TheVendor

Hello, I have been searching around the net looking for solutions to my problem, but none have worked. My issue is that when i redirect using: <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=<?php echo $URL; ?>"> The hash tag part of URL gets removed by IE. So example.com/sample#foo will just load as example.com/sample. …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for rchawdhari

Hi all, This is my array of hash [{"gate_pass_type_id"=>2, "tag"=>0, "total"=>2000}, {"gate_pass_type_id"=>125, "tag"=>0, "total"=>300}, {"gate_pass_type_id"=>661, "tag"=>0, "total"=>750}, {"gate_pass_type_id"=>661, "tag"=>2, "total"=>100}] I want to convert it into [2 => { "0"=> 2000}, 125=> {"0"=>300}, 661=>{"0" =>750, "2"=>100}] Is any simple way without using so much loops

Member Avatar for rchawdhari
Member Avatar for AssertNull

I am a member of another forum and forgot my password, so I clicked the "Forgot password" link and was told "fill this form out and we'll send you your lost password" or words to that effect. It occurred to me that I had never seen language like this and …

Member Avatar for AssertNull
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Don't you just get sick of hash algorithms constantly been brute forced or even cracked. Well here is an algorithm I have created in my spare time to help out the little guy who just wants a secure hash. This hashing algorithm uses many different techniques including ones used in …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for can-mohan

guys, I am implementing hash function in below code snippet but unfortunetly getting segmentation fault. Could you please help me to understand that what went wrong in this implementation. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> unsigned long hash(char** str ) { unsigned long hash_val = 5381; unsigned long sum=0; char* val ; int …

Member Avatar for can-mohan
Member Avatar for sugumarclick

Hi Daniwebbers, can someone help me How to figure out the depth of a dynamic hash (hash of hashes) in perl. If it has consistent structure, we can traverse through while/foreach and find out the depth. Could anyone point me the right and best way to figure it out. my …

Member Avatar for Igor_3
Member Avatar for J.C. SolvoTerra

Using .Net's SHA1 Crypto Service to compare hashes between a user's password and their stored hashed password. Simplez =0)

Member Avatar for diafol

Hi All, thought I'd pass on a (very) simple password class which is built on the new `password_hash()` and `password_verify()` functions. You will need php 5.5.0+ in order to get this to work. If you're thinking of modifying this and using it in a production site, please check that your …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Tycellent

Sup everyone, Does anyone have any recommended tutorials/sites for Hash maps? I'm planning to use it to create and link "locations" in a basic text-based game but i've looked around and there seems to be a lot of description on hashmaps but not much tutorial/examples for them. Any sort of …

Member Avatar for Tycellent
Member Avatar for Excizted

Hello Daniweb, I'm rebuilding a Flash-based website in PHP/HTML maintaining the same MySQL database. My problem now is, the user passwords are hashed of course - I need to use the same hash in the new application for old users to be able to still log in. But since the …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for happygeek

**How do passwords work?** What a password isn't, or at least really shouldn't be, is some kind of secret word or phrase that is simply compared against a table of usernames in a login database. Such plaintext systems are about as secure as a chocolate padlock on a furnace door. …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello to all, HAving a hash where its keys are associated with arrays like below: myHash = {"A"=>["HYU"], "B"=>["TU6"], "C"=>["11", "09","88","2"], "D"=>["01", "11"]} Each key represent one header and the arrays elements represent the values for each header. How to print each key in different column separated by comma "," …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Garidius

Hello to all, I have a ruby script with a very long hash with more than 300 associations. The script looks like below: #!/usr/bin/env ruby Array_A = [] myHash = { "x1" => "2", "x2" => "0", "x3" => "1", . . . "X350" => "1" } myHash.keys.each do |z| …

Member Avatar for Garidius
Member Avatar for g12mcgov

Hello, I'm a first timer here but I've kind of exhausted all my options for help on this program so this is my last resort... Anyhow, I'm constructing a hash table given a hash table class header file from my textbook. I'm working on the Driver.cpp file and here's what's …

Member Avatar for Dani

We use hashes a lot in our URIs to jump people around to a specific place on the page. For example (www.example.com#part1 and www.example.com#part2). However, we have a static fixed header at the top of the page, and so if it tries to jump you down, it ends up plopping …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ing

Hello. I'm trying to set up a private section of my website for testing and I'm having a problem where my .htaccess / .htpasswd protection always rejects my password. I've set permissions to 604 on both files as recommended by my web host and both files reside in the same …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for rhaylee

My professor gave us an assignment that I am not entirely sure how to start correctly. She gave us 2 java classes as well to use. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated... So basically, two things need to be done. I need to create two more classes, ExternalHashing and IndexHashTable...and …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for chr.s

I'm making a full-screen slider with [maximage][1] & [cycle][2] that (so far) does the following: - Compares a given URL hash against each slide's ID and loads a match, if found, - Appends the first slide's ID to the address bar as a hash, if none is specified, - Replaces, …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for JavaPrograms

I was just wondering if someone could maybe set me on the right track or tell me exactly how to do what I am about to ask. I have a bunch of answers in a notepad file, such as TFTABCD (going downwards, a letter per line), how can I make …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for chr.s

Hi, I'm after some thoughts and opinions regarding the navigation/behaviour of a portion of a site I'm working on. The site is a shop, which is built with the Big Cartel framework, and is my first attempt at using more than just a couple of lines of javascript - or …

Member Avatar for chr.s
Member Avatar for s0wh4t

I have the following script: $(function () { var tabContainers = $('div.tabs > div'); tabContainers.hide().filter(':first').show(); $(window).bind('hashchange', function () { var hash = window.location.hash || '[b][b]#[/b][/b]first'; tabContainers.hide(); tabContainers.filter(hash).show(); $('div.tabs ul.tabNavigation a').removeClass('selected'); $('a[hash=' + hash + ']').addClass('selected'); }); $(window).trigger( "hashchange" ); }); <div class="tabs"> <ul class="tabNavigation"> <a href="#first" class="selected">First</a> <a href="#second" class="">Second</a> …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/python files/USACO/crazy/crazy.py", line 87, in <module> grid.plot(x,y,"F") File "C:/python files/USACO/crazy\grid.py", line 63, in plot self.g[(x,y)] = replace TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' You see, I'm hashing a string with the key bing a tuple. This is using my own 2d grid data structure.

Member Avatar for james.lu.75491856
Member Avatar for vizz

I have links like, #**#/Home**, **#/About** how to remove **#/** using .htaccess I have other RewriteRules and they all work fine URL's are displayed like **localhost/site/#/Home**

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for freakyboard

I need to encode the sending messages/data(not MD5)and then they will be decoded on the other side. Codes have to be in android libraries not in java. Is there any code or information that may help me around internet? Thx all for your help.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rogerg

Hello, I'm doing some word counts in Perl and have a problem with the following one. I want to use two subroutines count and show and do a word count on two lines of an array at the same time I've got two problems with it. 1) when using print …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

Review for a final and I had a question... You are give a hash function h(x) = x%11 and the size of the hash table is 11. The inputs are 4371,1323,6173,4199,4344,9679,1989. What would the resulting hash table be using quadratic probing. Would I start with 4371 and then do the …

Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng
Member Avatar for t2nator

This is a topic we didn't cover in class so I am lost on what is going on, any pointers would be greatly appreciated: ~Given the following numbers ... 25 72 122 ... and given the following hashing function ... hashvalue := (i*i) mod 97 ... and using Linear Probing, …

Member Avatar for taylor.mitchell.353

I created a hashing method to make a=1, b=2, c=3...etc. To me it doesn't seem too efficient. Does this look efficient or is there a recursive method or smaller method to do the same thing? /** * Changes String to int * @param key: String * @return (result % arraySize): …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for taylor.mitchell.353

I am making a project using hashtables. I have to use a linked list to handle duplicate hashcodes. The Objects that I am turning into hash tables are State objects with just a String name. I have debugged and tested my entire project and cannot figure out why it is …

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The End.