103 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

vb.net 2010 Windows Pro 7 ## Create a Video Library with an Embedded Windows Media Player ## I have close to 400 video clips in my home movie library. In order to quickly locate any given video I have added certain words into the file names. Even so, locating specific …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Sarlacc

I am creating multiple C++ DLLs which have a C wrapper around them for use by an external application. I wanted to have a single error handling library that each DLL has access to. If I created the error library as a static library and then include it in the …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

# Introduction # A recurring problem many newcomers face when tackling C++ is the compilation process, from sources to binaries. This tutorial will detail that process. It will be especially useful for people only familiar with higher-level languages (if any), but veterans of one or more native languages (C, Fortran, …

Member Avatar for Lutina
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello. I'm working on my own CMS. I want to use Bootbox.js which is a small JavaScript library which allows us to create programmatic dialog boxes using Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers. [And this …

Member Avatar for Niloofar24
Member Avatar for Jeroen Mathon

Hello, The reason why im asking for this is becouse im currently making a project that needs data storage. And sqlite seems to be perfect for that matter. I've already read the documentation of Sqlite3 but i found that insufficient. It didn't really explain much besides the obvious. I can …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hello programmers! I have been working on STL algorithms for some time now as a beginner, and I started doing an exercise, among which is the task of `use the fill algorithm to fill the entire array of strings named items with "hello"`. My code for this is below: // …

Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, I'm trying to render a histogram of relative frequencies using D3 in combination with AJAX. Now i'm getting all my data correctly, but when i try to draw my chart, the first 2 bars are missing. The only error i'm getting on both firefox's and chrome's javascript console …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for Tinnin

Hi All, I'm trying to connect to a mysql database using the MySQL Connector from Oracle. I'm hitting my first issue of linking the libraries and was hoping that someone could nudge me in the right direction. What I have done so far: Downloaded mysql-connector-c-6.1.3-osx10.7-x86_64.dmg from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/c/ In XCode, in …

Member Avatar for Daemon_CC
Member Avatar for nikkoderic.aranas

How do I use other libraries in C++? Specifically using the PDCurses library in the latest version of Visual Studio Express? What's the general way to set a libray up, how to use it? Thank you for your time and patience.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dp121307

I started using C++ after learning Python, so I'm very very new to this. I'm writing a program and have 2 files in the project. I have my list.h class and my program. The list.h class, despite the fact that its a given class and should work, is ridled with …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Does anybody know where I can find a c++ object oriented library for my c++ project where in short I can set each pixel on each frame to a specified color and saving the result to a .avi file preferably compressed. I know this sounds simple in theory but I …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for pritaeas

We're looking into the Enterprise Library, to see if the security part will fit our needs. We want to use application roles/rights, so we probably need to write our own security provider. What I'm looking for are decent resources on this specific topic. I've found several books already on the …

Member Avatar for ScubaSam

Hi everyone, I need some help, I don't know where and how to begin and I'm seeking for some advice. Problem: I need to design a custom C# library to better manage a client list for internal projects. The library must be capable of importing data in a textfile(clients.txt) into …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Ann Krizette

can you help me code in VB6 a return command in returning the book that had been borrowed..tnx..need it asap. :(. a very simple code will do..

Member Avatar for Ann Krizette
Member Avatar for hackit

i want to use uize's calculator in my website i am trying it for three days but can't it how to use it. Please if anyone can tell me how to use it then please let me know as soon as possible.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kvahanyan

Hello people, I want create and use a simple library but this is the first time, so I need help. 1. If I have cpp file with it's header, how do I create a shared library with g++. 2. After I created the .so library, how do I include it …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for xrjf

The days when the calculator had almost 3 thousand visits a day have gone. Since then, there have been several major versions and lots of minor versions. Somehow, I feel pleased in that the present core algorithm follows the rules of the first I read; of course, extending the simplicity …

Member Avatar for Vasthor

// 9-2. If we define the name function as a plain, nonconst member // function, what other functions in our system must change and why? based on the question, the answer would be // answer bool compare(const Student_info&, const Student_info&); // because this function uses the member function as it's …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for FaisalSarfraz

Hi all I have a piece of program in which i am taking input from another jframe and then using that input i am trying to show results from RDF/XML file, now the issue is that i am trying to convert that input(which is obviouslyin string) to Property datatype of …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I am making a number of libraries to help me with my projects and I am torn between two approaches. I will show you what each looks like. I have no idea which would be considered 'better' in general. Locals: #ifndef SOME_GUARD #define SOME_GUARD VERSION_NUMBER #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for rwe0

I installed the new **pillow 2.0** on windows 7 python 3.3 using one of the installers with no problems. Apparently that installer provides the jpeg support necessary for Vegaseat's program (link below). However, I am having some kind of trouble getting the jpeg support to work on Ubuntu. After my …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for pattmorter

Hey everyone, So i've been doing some reasearch and I can't seem to find the answer to my problem anywhere. It could also be that I don't really understand the articles I find in google but I figured I'd ask here since everyone is always so helpful. So for a …

Member Avatar for pattmorter
Member Avatar for erogol

How could I add a external library to the native c++ lirary path at Ubuntu to be found by #include from source code? I have some couple of sources that I try to include them by all the codes written on my machine thus instead of coping all the library …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for jessada.dissopa

following the article title, I'm dealing with octave, it goes right on command line. but I need to build GUI for my program to easier interface with people. then I chose Java to build GUI. my problem is to connect my GUI java to Octave. Anybody has ideas to do …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for freakyboard

I need to encode the sending messages/data(not MD5)and then they will be decoded on the other side. Codes have to be in android libraries not in java. Is there any code or information that may help me around internet? Thx all for your help.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I am habving problem with tcpdf library.I am using Version: 5.9.162.I have a table format structure and the user writes in the table format and add the data and creates the pdf but my pdf file is not creating as i wish to create them some of the data …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dorinratiu1975

I will show you how to use EasyXLS, a .NET or Java library, as a calculation engine. EasyXLS supports all mathematical operators like arithmetic, logical and unary operators, and a various set of functions as Financial functions, Logical functions, Lookup and Reference functions, Database and List Management functions, Math and …

Member Avatar for petzoldt01

Not sure if this is quite the place for my question, but I dunno why you couldn't handle it ;) Really just looking for some opinions/answers on develop/design workflows for small/medium projects using AdobeCS5. This week I discovered many of the magics between Illustrator/Flash, such as arranging symbols on an …

Member Avatar for sss93

Am I correctly including all the library files from the directory ?? LIBS += `"C:\openCV24\opencv_bin\lib\*.dll"` Because this line keeps on giving me `C:\openCV24\opencv_bin\install\lib*.dll: Invalid argument` Ive tried looking several places and have altered this line many times but cant seem to get it to work. Can someone please let me …

Member Avatar for sss93

Ive got a basic Qt console application whcih write and then reads back an xml document.I have compiled and ran this without any compilation errors, however for some reason it keeps returning an error code and then wipes clean the actual xml document ??? Can someone please explain why it …


The End.