2 Topics

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Member Avatar for Rahul47

Here is my snippet for which am trying to understnad output of var_dump(). echo "<br> <br> Part2: "; $query1="select * from student"; $result=mysqli_query($con,$query1) or die(mysqli_error($con)); var_dump($result); if ($result) { $num1=mysqli_num_rows($result); var_dump($num1); echo $num1." rows affected."; } OUTPUT: ![d13507ba3998569ccd8376c851b1d753](/attachments/small/4/d13507ba3998569ccd8376c851b1d753.jpg "align-left") <---- Any explanation for this output?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hello, For my current project i'm working with a lot of nested arrays and objects. i'd like to be able to see all their values just as vardump does, but that function doesn't go as deep as i'd like. I already tried the krumo library, but it didn't show me …

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The End.