25 Topics

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Member Avatar for Peter_TARAS

Hello, I am learning Tkinter. As a part of the learning process I am building a Notepad clone in order to become familiar with Tkinter widgets. I am pretty close to completing it - I added about 90% functionality to the application - but I face two problems: 1) The …

Member Avatar for bevis.hobbs
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello! Can you give me an example of Button widget in Kivy language? I can creat the button but don't know how to use it's callback. I mean how can i set a command for the Button in Kivy?

Member Avatar for M_12
Member Avatar for gentlemedia

Aight folks! So I'm trying to do some custom coding within Wordpress and my plan is to create custom post types which I want to display within custom widgets. I thought that would be fun for a learning experience.... ahum... and I wanted a widget/plugin that outputs some proper semantic …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for biocompute

I have a Tkinter GUI that is composed of two widgets, the first is a widget class with an entry field and a button and the second is a scrollable text widget class. I have combined these two widget classes to make a single GUI. Each of these widget classes …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for josverhoeff

Some years ago, I built in my CMS a customisable twitter widget, for embedded use in web pages. This stopped working since twitter yanked out support last week. The new timeline widget misses the autoscroll option, but I can live with that. But it sadly creates several cascading iframes (iframe><iframe></iframe></iframe>), …

Member Avatar for Coloradojaguar
Member Avatar for pwolf

I am working towards the goal of a social site, however, being a beginner, I have many questions I need to answer before getting anywhere! One of these is in regards to embedable scripts/ web apps/ widgets. I would like to allow the users of the site to upload web …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for spyece

Hello, I am looking for some WordPress plugin to create a tabbed widget like this one. [B]Widget Preview[/B] [img]http://imgcrave.com/u/KLzXt.jpg[/img] [B]Theme URL[/B] [CODE]http://themes.arunkurian.net/stream/[/CODE] If anyone knows to do it or if you know a WordPress plugin then please share me the plugin link, i tried Google and some plugins from WordPress …

Member Avatar for everton.retweets
Member Avatar for Fcasualty

I am trying to add a custom widget dynamically, multiple times. However, the widgets just stack up in the same place. I have tried several combinations of Layout() and Fit() and setSizerAndFit() after adding custom widget to the sizer Thank you for any help #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: US-ASCII …

Member Avatar for Fcasualty
Member Avatar for hackit

i want to use uize's calculator in my website i am trying it for three days but can't it how to use it. Please if anyone can tell me how to use it then please let me know as soon as possible.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for gbonline

Hi to all, I'm looking for a solution to create a front-end in python for an app. I've some experience with Tk (but it's not fundamental i would like to use wxpython) and standard widget, but now i'm in a project too complicated for me. The app is like a …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for krystosan

Can anyone please suggest me best practice to create a Custom widget using QtDesigner? I want to see how to approach adding Qpushbutton or QCheckboxGroup inside the cells of QTable Widgets that will be added on user clicking add new row to QTable at runtime

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for daino

I am looking at using the 'Document Widget' in WXWidgets to create a report. It is apparrently an html document. Does this mean that I can format and position text using XML or HTML. I'm not entirely sure how this works. Can I also add objects to the html document …

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for rubenrav

Hello I'm planning a programming project for my website. I have a device that logs information to a database. To access this database I need to use to OLEDB client. What i want to do is, to make a graphical widget to my website that shows the info of my …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I'm trying to create a wx.ListCtrl with a searchable header. I've been looking through the listctrl mixins, but I really don't have the wx expertise needed. I'm thinking I need to paint a textctrl using a dc object, but other than that I'm lost. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for effBlam

I'm confused on how i can change or "toggle" the text of a button from say "D" to "A" when clicked, and then back to "D" if clicked again. So far I have this: [ICODE]from Tkinter import * from tkFileDialog import * class Game(Frame): def __init__(self,root): Frame.__init__(self,root) self.grid() self.buttons() def …

Member Avatar for effBlam
Member Avatar for Azmah

I'm looking at getting started with [URL="http://www.wxwidgets.org/"]wxWidgets[/URL]. I currently use Dev C++ as my IDE for C++ coding. wx Widgets looks very promising and could speed up my development if used. Though what the site doesn't state (at-least none that I've found) is whether it's an IDE of its own …

Member Avatar for Azmah
Member Avatar for ryufire
Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson

I'm having an issue displaying images in tkinter, I've tried the methods suggested by effbot and a couple other sources to no avail. Here are a couple ways I've tried so far:[CODE] gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image='gmail.gif') self.glab.image=gmail self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image=gmail) self.glab.image=gmail self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) self.glabim=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.glab=Label(self,image=self.glabim) self.glab.grid(row=3,column=4) gmail=PhotoImage('gmail.gif') self.lab=Label(self,image=gmail) self.lab.image=gmail self.lab.pack() [/CODE]the last one …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for cliffcrosland

We are a group of Stanford students hoping to build a tool that measures third-party plug-in performance. A mocked-up prototype of the tool can be found at [url]http://www.stanford.edu/~cliftonc/cgi-bin/[/url] It's becoming more and more popular for publishers of prominent sites, such as Mashable and many media sites, to include third party …

Member Avatar for Roy Murphy
Member Avatar for Peter_TARAS

Hi! I am using a label widget in order to display a n rows and m columns matrix. My program allows repeated generation of a random matrix of integer (of arbitrarily number of rows and columns) - I am observing these matrices by representing them in a Label type widget. …

Member Avatar for Peter_TARAS
Member Avatar for daino

Hi Would anybody be able to tell me if there is a book or any material ot there explaining what kind of widgets you can get for C++. I'm not sure what kind of widgets are available in terms of functionality. When I say types I mean say textbox or …

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for sangeeta_ratha

Hi, can anyone provide me with an easy code that would display my blogger posts in my website. ? Tried googling about blogger widgets. Any site that would be helpful will also do.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Yes, it may seem like a simple question, but I often run into this question among internet marketers. So I ask you the same question.

Member Avatar for newsguy

Finjan Inc has published its latest Web Security Trends [URL="http://finjan.com/content.aspx?id=827"]report[/URL] which contains everything you would expect, plus something you probably would not: your widgets are out to get you. Widgets, or desktop gadgets if you prefer, are exposing users to a whole host of not so delightful security exploits. Finjan's …

Member Avatar for Infarction

The End.