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When I was kid my father bought me an Amstrad 6128 (after playing a little I desided it to brake down a program to see what is inside it and re fix it – same logic I did with toy cars or anything that had the unfortunate lack to be in my hands), that…

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Member Avatar for jkon

One thing that I have learned , is to acknowledge my fears in order to see if I can do anything about them. I would love to read yours fears about this A.I. revolution. I have chosen to participate in this weave with what ever resources my small company has …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Dani

Dani , yes I also believe that you are responsible for the decline of DaniWeb .... BUUUT that was many years ago. We all foreseen the decline of "forums" back in early 2010's , there were many alternatives of what to do , and I strongly believe that you choose …

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Member Avatar for jkon

I don't get it. It is different answering a thread to quote an answer that you got from an LLM and it is completely different to post it as your own. I don't understand why people do that ? Don't they understand that it is obvious what they did ? …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jkon

I watched both grow , from their early beginnings , because our current servers are on CentOS and of course I am not happy with where CentOS has gone. Because the CentOS lesson , I have been really caution and I am a little bit too worried from witch one …

Member Avatar for jkon

I don't love Reddit , in fact before Google started to slap it on my face few months ago , I had many years to been there for a simple reason· I didn't liked their format nor their way of "building" a programmers community. Now everything I search in Google …

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Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

In every OOP language that I know you can create infinite recursive loops in a construction method . Lets play a bit with it in PHP: class A { private $obj; public function __construct() { $this->obj = new B(); } } class B { private $obj; public function __construct() { …

Member Avatar for aishamushtaq
Member Avatar for Dani

There are some apps that claim to detect AI Generated content and have paid APIs (e.g. GPTZero , Originality) , I haven't use them except of testing , I didn't had any good reason and furthermore the landscape is changing so fast that all the statistical patterns they might detect …

Member Avatar for lucytaylor01
Member Avatar for Dani

Dani I have never seen in in that way , just two clarification questions if you would like. As I understood you are talking about URLs that are disallowed in robots.txt to be crawled by Google , but what meta name="robots" do the have in their html head ? Also …

Member Avatar for AussieWebmaster
Member Avatar for Dani

Growing up in the 80's in an environment where nerds where literally punished I developed lots of skills to sugarcoat the fact that I had a computer , I was coding and I liked math. Most of them were various martial arts. Now in my late 40's I still enjoy …

Member Avatar for Chris_103
Member Avatar for Dani

I have none internal Google info , but my understanding always was that having an internal "nofollow" link doesn't tell Google not to crawl it , just not to follow it in the specific context / association / graph with the URL where the "nofollow" link is. Of course (in …

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Member Avatar for Duki

pot roast beef with sun-dried tomatoes , a bit olive oil , cheddar cheese on top and a lot oregano and thyme

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Of course I agree with toneewa and pritaeas but because it is an intresting topic I thought to share some thoughts to it. Given the fact that I load jQuery (in one minified file that contains also every JavaScript that this part of the app requires) I load it dynamically …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for verrandhack

It seems that the issue has nothing to do with C++ or with functions. If you are new to programming why not try some tutorials in an easy accessible language (like JavaScript for example) and when you understand a few basics ( like null , functions , variables , loops …

Member Avatar for learnerya
Member Avatar for Dani

I completely agree with you with the "hackily" part , but here it is: $arr = [ 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bat' ]; $obj = json_decode(json_encode($arr)); $obj->newProperty = "something"; var_export($obj); exit;

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jkon

I am curious how other programmers that I have no interaction with in this subject , are using LLM AI tools in their daily programming workflow. Although I use them I have an issue recommending them to others in my company because I believe you have to have a certain …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mindmade

The title of the post and the subject din't mentioned anything about keywords or "words of interest" to by more precise, it just mentioned "backlinks" . I that context my experience says that backlinks building , black or "white" SEO is dead in 2023. Your rank has more to do …

Member Avatar for jofrachalya142
Member Avatar for techtheclone

PHP is pretty good and expressive with warning , error and exception messages. If you don't understand anything from the messages that you get please write more about what exactly you don't understand and we could make it clearer. But ... ignoring warnings is a bad practice because there is …

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Member Avatar for jkon

Mouse Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis, a big elephant in the room. Anyone else ? My first computers didn't had any mouse so this wasn't an issue. Since the early 90's I worked in various settings at the same era , some times sitting some times on the floor some times …

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Member Avatar for Adolfo_1

Just to understand what you are asking. Do you want when somebody visits to redirected automatically through .htaccess rules to with 301 Moved Permanently status code , and when you have a visit to to have your server treat it through .htaccess rules as if were …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Dani

> The only thing I can think of is that this new robots.txt parser is still buggy and expects a sitemap file as opposed to a sitemap index file No , its not that , I tested it with sitemap index file and no issues reported. If I were you …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for facarroll

Currently not even this simple JavaScript works since there are many errors , just open the console in development tools and you will see all those. Client side "save image" JavaScript blockers are a solution if someone that has no idea what internet is want to save an image. If …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for jkon

Hello , I always had a distant relationship with C++ (writing in it small programs (or libs for other languages) only when performance really matters) but I have found myself writing more and more C++ bots. I learned that you need to separate the definition of the class (interface in …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Dani

> How does the page know not to call any of the gtag() calls until after the async JS has completed loading? Short answer , it doesn't . What you do in the first line window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; is that you define an array if it isn't already …

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Member Avatar for Olive34

I have no working experience with C#/ , but here are few thoughts. - There are many MVC implementations , keeping the structure as simple as possible with no unneeded fancy patterns will help you add complexity when it is needed. - For many years I was completely freaked about …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for rproffitt

Well most AI generators out there claim that all (or in some conditions) of the results that you create can be copyrighted by you. The conditions usually is to have a paid membership (of course). But let me dive a little bit more on this. If I try to create …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

This is a rather controversial topic mainly because Google is changing its view in that over the last years. Luckily enough the strategy that we have used 13 or 14 years now in Java and in PHP still works great. 1. I you are going to load new content through …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for NAFISUL

Python is a language that i write but I am not fond of (I am a programmer). But today I saw an interview from Van Rossum that was great (he is really an inspiration). In it he insisted that the best way to learn a new language is to try …

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Member Avatar for Mindmade

There are so many ways to go forward with this , I have implemented this in various different ways , and it all comes down to what system you already have in place , if you can customize it / how experienced are you in it , if you are …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Dani

The main points have already been mentioned (like OPcache , FPM etc ) so I will add a few minor ones. Request scope caching for prepared statements: There is no need to create a new PDOStatement object (and the db request that goes along) for every same sql statement that …

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Member Avatar for jkon

I just came in and had a topic to discuss with other programmers ... I remembered DaniWeb because in the past I have received very clever answers in questions that most don't know that exist at all. And I hope I also helped others as well. But how difficult could …

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