Since thanksgiving is soon here, I thought we would have our
own daniweb feast, specifically an obscure feast. Remember that
only obscure code is valid in our obscure table.

I'll start :

using namespace std; ostream&  ____ = cout;
string _____ = "hello";string
______	("world");		string
   ("obscure");char _
		(' ');	char __('\n');
int main()
_____<<				 _  <<

		   _______<<	_<<	
  ______<<				__; 

I brought the:

#include <stdio.h>
#define R / 13
#define _(x) __(T R, x)
const float T = 908.05;char __(float ___,bool ____){return((____)?((char)(*(&___))):((char)((float)(___-(char)(*(&___)))*100.0)));}int main(){printf("%cU%c%c%cR%cD %cOAS%c%c",__(66.0,1),_(0),_(0),_(1),_(1),_(0),_(0),0x21);return(0);}

Hmm, I couldn't think of something worse:

#include <iostream>
int main (){char ____ ='c',___[3]
,__=____;{{{{{ std::cout<<++____<<(char)((____&__)+21) <<__<< (char)(____+(7*sizeof(char)));}}
}}}____ = 0x6F; __=(char)(sizeof(int)
*sizeof(int)*sizeof(int)+50); memcpy(___, "ll", sizeof(char)*sizeof(___));std::cout <<__<<____<<___;}
import this
#include<iostream> /**/
using std::cout; using std::string; std::ostream& _H_A_P_P_Y_T_H_A_N_K_S_G_I_V_I_N_G = cout;
string _____("H       H         A         P P P P   P P P P   Y    Y\n");
string _______________("   T                 G  G  G     I I I         V       I I I     N     N    \n\n\n");
string ______("H       H        A A        P     P   P     P    Y  Y\n");
string ______________("   T               G   G   G       I          V V        I       N   N  N   \n");
string ________("H       H      A     A      P         P           Y\n");
string _____________("   T               G   G   G       I          V V        I       N   N  N   \n");
string _________("H       H     A       A     P         P           Y\n\n\n\n");	
string _______("H H H H H       A A A       P P P P   P P P P     Y\n");
string __________("T T T T              G G G G     I I I     V       V   I I I     N       N  \n");
string ___________("   T                G              I        V     V      I       N N     N  \n");
string ____________("   T   ---------   G     G         I         V   V       I       N  N    N  \n");

int main()/**/

commented: lol, That's some sweet shit! +0
int main(int O,char**I){int _[]={23,10,7,25,9,26,13,-1};if(I){O=0;}if(_[O]>-1){main(++O,0);putchar('|'-_[--O]);}return 0;}

(Lame effort of mine, MS barks, gcc is ok.)

Here's one in the language of obfuscation: "Brainfsck" (replace the s with u)



import antigravity
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