I usually take baths :) (I like getting in za nice warm water)

Strange poll. I take a shower or bath (depending upon how much time I have or if I'm in a rush) every morning.

I take one once a month, sometimes every two months. It just depents.

Daily. I have long hair that's susceptible to getting really dirty. If I don't, then I start to look REALLY nasty.

whenever ;)
Day, night, both, neither, depending on need and opportunity ;)

whenever ;)
Day, night, both, neither, depending on need and opportunity ;)

...and current company? ;)

wouldn't current company define need and opportunity? ;)

Take shower when it rains!

Wow, is this a "too much information" topic, or what?? Do you really want to know that I'm a hairy, hairy man, so must shave twice a day, and has the habit of only shaving in the shower? What's next, the "how often do you cut your toenails" poll?

I bathe naked and rub soap all ooovvvvverrrrr my body...

Daily for sure. Sometimes more than once a day.

And the rest is, well, unmentionable. :)

I bathe naked and rub soap all ooovvvvverrrrr my body...

Ooooooooookay then.

Hi everyone,

I never bathe, it makes me feel unclean.
Recently i had to take a bath due to petition i received from my neighbours as well as a letter from the Department Of Sanitation to supoena me to take a bath

Richard West

I havn't had a bathtub bath in over 20 years -- I hate the thought of sitting in all that dirty water, not that I'm really all that dirty, but all that soap scum soaking into my skin -- yuuuuk!

I take shower before going to office everyday :).

:confused: what is a shower i don't know what this word means :lol:


I don't like taking showers, rather i take bath<everymorning> :) :cool:
IN summer it may be more than once.

In the winter i find baths more enjoyable to be honest (Lay in the warm water when its cold out,etc....)

I shower once a week about... Don't laugh!! I don't have the money to shower like most people do. :(

I usually shower around once a week
Since I swim in an overly-chlorinated pool almost each day, it sort of cancels out... ;)

I would take baths, but our's measures about 1/4 of my body length. :-|

I usually shower around once a week

That's SICK!!! EWWW!

I bathe naked and rub soap all ooovvvvverrrrr my body...


Wow, is this a "too much information" topic, or what?? Do you really want to know that I'm a hairy, hairy man, so must shave twice a day, and has the habit of only shaving in the shower? What's next, the "how often do you cut your toenails" poll?

1.) "Knowledge is power!" ~ Schoolhouse Rock
2.) We already had the frequency of toenail cutting thread a little while back, go check it out. :)

Yes it is there.
And we must have this kind of threads. :rolleyes:

I generally take a shower before college. Otherwise, it's usually when I feel icky or my hair starts itching. Gross.....

Late-Nightime only-- w/ girlfriend. What is "morning"? (Coffee + Compiler = very late nights) Wake up to more coffee, cigs, TV, e-mail, then remote work via Net and personal coding projects.

I have long hair but I do not wash it every day-- it stays healthier if only washed every other day or so.

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