Hey all I'm wondering what the industry standard for game designing is at the moment?

I'm teaching myself Java at the moment and intend to go on to C++ afterwards but if there's a general consensus on a different language as being the macDaddy of Games Development I'd love to know.

Oh and don't worry,I'm well aware of how hard the industry is to break into but nothing ventured nothing gained right?

For game DESIGN you don't need any programming. A DESIGNER writes storylines, makes decisions about how things will look, signs off on graphics and sounds, things like that.
His main technical skills are with word processors and graphics packages (most likely MS Word and PhotoShop) and at scheduling meetings.

A game PROGRAMMER will need excellent programming skills. Java is getting ever more important in gaming, especially in the booming market of games targeted at mobile phone users.
C++ and C are (and probably will remain for a good time) extremely strong for PCs and consoles.

But beware that you're trying to enter a marketplace that's not only extremely competitive (every kid seems to want to become a game programmer) but highly exhausting.
People have (and do) died at their workstations, literally worked to death by impossible deadlines and 20+ hour workdays combined with employment systems that make it professional death to take even a day off to go to the doctor or catch up on sleep.

Hey all I'm wondering what the industry standard for game designing is at the moment?

I'm teaching myself Java at the moment and intend to go on to C++ afterwards but if there's a general consensus on a different language as being the macDaddy of Games Development I'd love to know.

Oh and don't worry,I'm well aware of how hard the industry is to break into but nothing ventured nothing gained right?

  • C
  • C++ :)
  • Python :cheesy:

But beware that you're trying to enter a marketplace that's not only extremely competitive (every kid seems to want to become a game programmer) but highly exhausting.
People have (and do) died at their workstations, literally worked to death by impossible deadlines and 20+ hour workdays combined with employment systems that make it professional death to take even a day off to go to the doctor or catch up on sleep.

Yes, its sad but true. Something to this very effect is quoted by the author of the book "3d game engine programming" in his book.

Unless you are a complete programming freak who thinks of nothing else than programming this task can turn out to be very daunting.

Ok I'm getting a very negative vibe on the whole game programming,but i do really enjoy programming(with java at least).

Aside from the games industry what would be a nice programming job java can be applied to?

Ok I'm getting a very negative vibe on the whole game programming,but i do really enjoy programming(with java at least).

Aside from the games industry what would be a nice programming job java can be applied to?

You should not consider this as a negative vibe, you should just treat our replies as information added to your database. Consult some more people probably some of your professional friends or those who are really into this kind of thing and ask them how its really in the gaming industry.

But since you have got your determination wavered so early......

Oh it's not wavering it's just I'm interested to know what other jobs I could use as a stepping stone?

From what I understand you're as likely to get into movie script writing as you are to get into game programming.I realise how slim the chances are and my overall intention is to build a nice solid foundation,progressing one step at a time and,if I'm lucky(or unlucky depending on point of view!:) ) I might end up in the industry.

To be honest what got me thinking about it was 3drealms ad for game programmers wanted.It went something like this -




(I realise it's all marketing but what the hell, it entertained me :)

Okay I dont know why but the above Ad sounds fishy...

I serioulsy recommend you to take the opinion of your friends or any other people out there becuase I dont know the game development scenario in Ireland. But one thing is for sure, game development is not without deadline and I say, what the hell, not software project is without deadline.

And if you can, go out to the location the ad wants you to come and check out what they have to say. There is no harm in trying it out, is it ?;)

Anyways more importantly, how well versed are you in C++ because that is what matters in the end. Are you comfortable with STL, done any C++ project ?

No, I'm an IT support agent and this is a six year plan.I'm teaching myself java at the moment,simply because people in work have done java in college and love sharing the knowledge.

The reason I started this post is to pick the best language with a good earning potential,whether I break into games or not.

My intentions are to let the post run for a few weeks and then see what the general view is.

Thanks for all the input so far by the way :)

Glad I could help :D

That ad sounds very much like a practical joke.
It's a jab at the massive delays surrounding that game, which by now is more than 6 years late in getting to market yet never officially cancelled (I think their website still lists it as "coming soon" or something like that).

Java is pretty much everywhere these days, from finance to energy to industry to retail.

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