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none for london :(

the chance of a nuclear weapon being used today is close to zero...

Still scary...

Dirty bombs are more likely than tactical nukes

The days of the cold war are over but the days of terrorists using e.g a dirty bomb made of nuclear waste and some conventional explosives are only just beginning...

the chance of a nuclear weapon being used today is close to zero...

Please dont say that TOO LOUDLY!!

I think its scary that they could come up with these patterns and all!

They atomic age is OVER. The age of technology, guerrilla warfare, terrorism(by both small radical groups AND governments.. hint hint), very small armies, and precision weapons is just beginning.

You forgot Biological warfare...

Possibly biological warfare, but on a small terrorism scale. I really do not think that biological warfare will play any part anymore in
conflicts between two enemy nations.

Maybe not. I predict that in the coming years a second Cold War will develop between NATO and China.

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