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I have not had a girlfriend for 12 years now, on order from the wife...

commented: That's a higher authority. +5
commented: ;) +17

Well thats strange.. why not throw him in a mental hospital or jail or somethn.. :-/

He was already in jail for 5 months.

Well I don't understand how they could legally force him to not have any girlfriends.. that seems like an infringement on natural rights. I doubt if such an order would hold up in the American judicial system.

If he has a dependent personality disorder, then he should be treated as this seems like a serious psychological disorder to me. It said something about counseling in the article, but it did not go into much detail...

He might get a boyfriend.

I know right, thats what I said.


I mainly feel sorry for the girl that he attacked. Usually you would be thrown in jail. I can not see how giving him a sentence like this that can in no way be enforced is going to help.

Natural rights?

No such thing.

That would be debatable.

I do not think that people are born with any rights rather they are something presented to you and maintained by the system that you live in. I think instinct i probably closer to what you meant by natural rights.

I think many Christians would disagree.. some people believe that humans posses natural rights which were derived from God.

Do people not have the right to live? The right to food and water and air? This could sooo easily turn into a conversation about capital punishment and abortion but I'd much rather not go there.

Do people not have the right to live? The right to food and water and air? This could sooo easily turn into a conversation about capital punishment and abortion but I'd much rather not go there.

Why not? Debate is good for the mind :)

What are your views on said issues?

I think many Christians would disagree.. some people believe that humans posses natural rights which were derived from God.

Im a Christian and have never thought or heard anything of that sort. There are promises that God has made however i think that is a different to this concept of natural rights.

Do people not have the right to live? The right to food and water and air?

Of course people have the right to live however i think the question is really if they are born or even conceived with this right or if it is something placed upon them by the society that they develop in.

Maybe im just thinking too deeply about the subject but i think although we have the right given different circumstances and socities then these things that we see as rights may not be. That includes things like living,water,food and air.

Im a Christian and have never thought or heard anything of that sort. There are promises that God has made however i think that is a different to this concept of natural rights.

Yeah the only rights that I am aware of is the right for all men/women to learn, read and talk about the Bible. Which was rights given to Protestants from their 'split' from the false church of Rome.

Why do people automatically have the right to live?

because that is what is generally accepted by society. Hence why murder is against the law.

This, I believe, is generally where most people get their argument from:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

It's interesting to note that most people (sadly, myself included most of the time) tend to stop there...let's see the rest of the preamble, shall we?

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

>because that is what is generally accepted by society. Hence why murder is against the law.

So only if you function/agree with society do you have that right. Then it's not something you're born with. Which answers your question... ?

no no i don't mean it like that. Im thinking about it in a deeper sense it actually has nothing to do with wether you function or agree with society. When i say society i mean that its something accepted by all(or most) of us that everone has a right to these things.

However. Imagine you were born into a society say where its custom to kill your every child born exceot for say those born in a certain month. Now we would see this as a horrific thing and say that all babies have a right to live no matter what month they were born on. However that society would disagree because that is what they are used to.

What i am trying to say is that "Rights" are simply whats accepted by the society we live in and not something that we are born with.

Its hard to explain exactly what i mean when i say that. but its probably just me thinking too hard.

I think many Christians would disagree.. some people believe that humans posses natural rights which were derived from God.

Those are God-given rights, not natural rights.


First of all, what your trying to explain Lasher, I think, is that the terms 'right' and 'wrong' are relative. Some societies believe differently than others, and thus, have different accepted norms.

And MidiMagic, natural rights and God-given rights would be the same.. By natural rights, I was referring to human nature, and the supposed rights of all men..

so then if i get the urge or "instinct" to kill someone i have the right to do so?

I wasn't agreeing with the fact that natural rights exist.. I was just stating that some people believe God gave us all rights when we were created.. So, obviously I would actually disagree with those people who think this way.

no no i don't mean it like that. Im thinking about it in a deeper sense it actually has nothing to do with wether you function or agree with society. When i say society i mean that its something accepted by all(or most) of us that everone has a right to these things.

However. Imagine you were born into a society say where its custom to kill your every child born exceot for say those born in a certain month. Now we would see this as a horrific thing and say that all babies have a right to live no matter what month they were born on. However that society would disagree because that is what they are used to.

What i am trying to say is that "Rights" are simply whats accepted by the society we live in and not something that we are born with.

Its hard to explain exactly what i mean when i say that. but its probably just me thinking too hard.

Makes sense.

Yes, all "rights" are based upon societal expectations of the norm. Nature does not grant any right innately - miscarriage and other such incidents of pre-birth death belie even the right to be born.

i guess i will never breakup with my girlfriend... better just run away and move to mexico...

(why mexico? don't ask...)

I do not think that people are born with any rights rather they are something presented to you and maintained by the system that you live in. I think instinct i probably closer to what you meant by natural rights.

I guess this makes me curious about your opinion of government: does government provide you with rights, or do you have them innately and government is instituted to limit them within constraints?

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