What the hell is with quotation system here? Its absolutely irrational. When you want to quote just press ctrl+q (this one works) and than what? rewrite/copy+paste what you want to quote.... Just absurd. BTW why this cms/forum (posts being articles ?!) lacks proper quoting subsystem (like any other forum software)?

Its moreless ok when you want to "quote" someone from the same page (one page "articles"), but when you want to make a "quotation" from many pages in "article" than it becomes nightmare.

BTW. I have to scroll down because focus does not follow cursor here. This was mentioned many times. Without an proper answer from team coding this system (dont know what it is - cms or forum).

Warrens80 commented: I know this long pat due but I still feel a need in case you ever come back again..I ama troller and yet I find this crossing lines +0

Its absolutely irrational

There was a Kodak commercial years back where James Garner responds to a comment from Mariette Hartley with, "that doesn't make sense." She replies with "you mean you don't understand it."

You might want to dial it back a bit.

  • How do quotes work on this forum?

is more likely to get a useful response than

  • What the hell is with quotation system here?

I have to scroll down because focus does not follow cursor here. This was mentioned many times. Without an proper answer from team coding this system (dont know what it is - cms or forum).

As you are aware this bug has been reported. Dani has responded with "I can't replicate the problem". I will be in New York in early April and I will have my laptop. If the bug is not fixed by then I can show it to her in person. All in all, a much better approach I think.

In the mean time, this is Dani's house and you are a guest in it. Try to behave like one.

Yet again I cannot see who voted my post down....

One of the downvotes was from me. I had several choices for my response

  1. downvote
  2. downvote with comment
  3. downvote and post
  4. infraction

A downvote with no comment indicates only that I didn't like your response and carries no penalty. This is anonymous by design.

A downvote with a comment would have carried a penalty to your community rep. This is not anonymous.

I chose the third option because I wanted to leave a comment but did not want to hit you with a penalty.

The fourth option is the most severe. Too many infractions and you get banned.

A problem was encountered while attempting to move the uploaded file to the final destination.

Highlight the text you want to quote from the posts on the page. No need to hit Ctrl+C to copy them to the clipboard. Just highlighting makes them automatically stored. Then hit Ctrl+Q or click the quote button to "paste" them all.

The idea is that it's fewer keystrokes than Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V to copy and paste, and it also automatically adds the Markdown quote syntax.

BTW. I have to scroll down because focus does not follow cursor here. This was mentioned many times.

Can't help you if I don't understand what you mean??

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