What page do you typically start at when using DaniWeb?

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Oh ... forgot to mention. For me it's All Newest Topics.

That's another option ;)

Have you found the dropdown filter + sorting refactoring that happened the other week beneficial?

I don’t like that page because it’s too much of a firehose.

Have you found the dropdown filter + sorting refactoring that happened the other week beneficial?

I never use them. The link I use to get here does exactly what I want.

I never use them. The link I use to get here does exactly what I want.

Hamburger menu. Then Latest Topics under the Latest Content section. Is that what you use or do you have a browser bookmark?

Right on my browser bookmark bar. One click and I'm there.

Hamburger menu->Latest topics is two clicks. Darn.

Oh, I always have at least one browser tab open to a page on DaniWeb.

Let me show you the start page of a browser looks like for me:
A few you may recognize. TechRepublic bought up the C|NET forums which bought up MSN forums which bought up GEnie forums so that's my Ship of Theseus. Dgstats is where I can see recent solar installs in California as I do discuss rooftop solar over in r/solar. Imgur because that's how you post/share images on Reddit and elsewhere but strangely not here.

Who designed the purple square that says daniweb? I suspect it wasn't automatically generated because it's not our official brand of purple.

It was autogenerated when I saved the link in Opera. I don't know the mechanics there but my guess would be favicon?

It's not the shade of purple that favicon.ico uses either. Weird.

I can't find an authoritative answer but it has been said such comes from Opera's own servers.
"So, there are https addresses for .jpe images hosted on Opera servers. If I edit this bookmarks file and replace a .jpe address with another image, when I launch Opera the replaced thumbnail doesn't change."

But to make it more confusing I made a new Speed Dial entry and it became a preview of what's at that link.
This rabbit hole is something I'll stop going down for now.

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