hi everyone im baz and im trying to get rich on the net. like quite a few other people. anyhow am starting to learn web design and am quite enjoying it. if i dont get rich i wouldnt mind having a career in this. anyhow look forward to speaking to you all

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Hi Baz, here's hoping you enjoy yourself and get rich! Welcome to DaniWeb mate, we can promise the former and hopefully help answer the questions to aid the latter as well.

thanks im just starting to learn the basics of html but am sure il have loads of questions for all you people in the future. want to be a pro with dhtml and java. i learnt a bit of xml the other day, and couldnt figure out what they meant by white space. haha its my language skills that let me down. anyhow got there in the end and have succesfully got my sitemap sorted.
thanks for the welcome

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