well i am chris

working for a big IT company in the UK called HBS, am currently 20 y/o and working repairing PCs and printers, trying to learn laptops but ain't had time or money to do so

if you want to know more about feel free to ask


Welcome! :)

Hi Chris, whereabouts in the UK are you? Welcome to DaniWeb by the way...

from sunn Stockton near middlesbrough :) hope to make some gd friends

Keeping drier than me then, here in soggy South Yorkshire. :)

Welcome to Daniweb!

I can just say welcome to DaniWeb, its a good fourm where you can learn from the experiences of others.

Keeping drier than me then, here in soggy South Yorkshire. :)

well it was raining heavily last week couldn't go anywhere without a spare set of trainers , road was flooded outside the house

welcome to forum!

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