Does anyone remember the Amiga line of computers?

Also, do emulators exist for Amiga Workbench? And can the most recent version (4.0) be installed on x86 hardware?

If so, where is an image/emulator for it?

I use WinUAE to play Sensible World of Soccer (from the Amiga days) on my PC, it works great. I don't have Workbench for it, but it would work fine I'm sure.

I'd much sooner get my Amiga 500+ out of the attic at my mum's house, but theres just no room for it here :(

As you are using ubuntu, you will be able to load UAE onto it. You can get it from the package installer screen, or from doing an apt-get.

I just want the actual view of the desktop.

I hope there's an ISO somewhere. I've looked everywhere.

I just want the actual view of the desktop.

I hope there's an ISO somewhere. I've looked everywhere.

I googled "amiga workbench emulator" and found (among others) this amiga site. I have a couple of Amigas around here somewhere - at least I saw my old 1500 on the upper shelf of my closet a while back and I have tons of software in the space under the stairs (out of sight, out of mind) -- still have not figured out what to do with them now.

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