Hi!. I'm new to this site and I need help.

I have a Thinkpad 390E PII 333 MHz, 6GB HD, 128 Mb RAM, 2.5 MB video memory (Neomagic video card).

The video memory is too small to run some applications I need and I would like to increase it.

Anybody knows if this is possible and how to do it?

Thank you for your help!

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hi on the back of the laptop is a nd cover ,covering the ram chip remove it ,usually one or two screws ,inside you will see the memory chip ,get the info off the sticker and get exact replacement ram ,the laptop will only go to 256 meg ,so depending on what is in it now [it could be 2, 64meg for a total of 128meg ,]if that is the case you will need to ger 2, 128 meg chips to get it to 256meg.


Thank you. But I want to increase the video memory, not the RAM memory. The video memory is currently 2 MB and I need at least 4MB to run an application.

THe video card is NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV. But I do not know how to access the video card and also if the memory for the video card can be upgraded

Thank you. But I want to increase the video memory, not the RAM memory. The video memory is currently 2 MB and I need at least 4MB to run an application.

THe video card is NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV. But I do not know how to access the video card and also if the memory for the video card can be upgraded

of course you do ,sorry i misread that ! only thing i can say is maybe there is a place in the bios to change it to 4 meg ,its not likely you will be able to change it on the motherboard

Unfortunately there is nothing in the BIOS Menu about video memory. I think this option is ther only when the video memory is shared with the RAM, as is the case in another laptop I have. But maybe in this Thinkpad is set to 2 Mb by hardware, I do not know.

well it is hardware,and i don't think you will find anyway of changing it as it is built into the motherboard.did a search and find you asking this in 2 more fourms and getting the same answers !
also found this ,which confirms my suspicion
NeoMagic NM 2200 video chipset with 2560k video RAM

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