I currently have a [30 GB Ultra-ATA/66] and I was wondering if I'll have any problems upgrading to a [250 GB Ultra-ATA/100].

I'm not familiar with hard drives, but as far as memory goes, I understand that type of memory is dependant on the memory speed (e.g. PC133). I was wondering if hard drives followed the same principal.

System Confirugation Dell 4100 (year 2000)

Thanks for your help,


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FYI, the link you provided does not link to anything useful since it is most likely a page generated for you using information that you submitted to the site.

I believe that you have a Dell Dimension 4100 which has an Intel 815E chipset. If this is the case for your system, it can support ATA/100 drives.

For more information about ATA compatibilities, see Seagate's FAQ on the topic.


Yeah, I realized my link error after the fact.

I just went to the Intel site and found my motherboard's specs. I didn't know enough to realize ATA/100 compatibility would be listed. Thanks for the link though.


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