Please help. Stein's posting on how to reformat a hard drive was most helpful. I was able to complete it and install windows XP.

Immediately after light use, the computer froze and I did a hard shut down. Now when I turn the computer on, the monitor displays nothing. I plugged the monitor into my laptop and it is working fine.

Any ideas? Thanks for your advise.

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All 3 Replies

So your monitor is fine. Your format / reinstall process is fine.

Does your PC work when you turn it on? Does it give some beeps if it fails to boot up?

So your monitor is fine. Your format / reinstall process is fine.

Does your PC work when you turn it on? Does it give some beeps if it fails to boot up?

-> Yes it looks like it is working. I was thinking that I lost the monitor driver.

Mmm... lessee, when you start it from cold you hear the hdd spin up... its drive light flash intermittently, but no visible sign of a POST process? Not the hdd then... could be your RAM though... do you have two RAM modules - try unplugging one/swapping. Do you have a separate video card installed, or are you plugging the monitor into the mb socket?

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