Network is give problems, l'm using debian software to run my server and l have firewall on server. And now every 30 minute internet will stop working l need to restart server before it work. Is firewall give that hell. l need help to disable firewall.

Someone should me to disable firewall.

Keep well.

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PLEASE do not stop your firewall.

Have you checked firewall logs ?

It sounds as if you are being hacked and firewall is working correctly and switching off access to internet to protect you.


Thanks for your reply. l'm not good in linux and learning linux. if you can show the commands. l tried rm /etc/rc2.d S95firewall to login to firewall.

Sorry I am not a linux guy, would like to be but... I am sure someone else her can help.

If my suggestion is correct, firewall should let you have access again after say 30 mins or an hour. It will depend what the settings are. So next time it goes off please leave on and see if it connects later.

It might be worth contacting your ISP and see if they can help. They should be able to blocker a hacker.



now I get massive fsck errors on my boot, halting boot and dumping me to
a shell.

errors look like this

/dev/hda3: Superblock last mount time is in the future

this occurs for every partition on every disk at every reboot. And yes,
I do run fsck manually in between. but things are not working.

maybe your hard disk is dying?

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