27 Topics

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Member Avatar for earlybirdsean

Hey guys, I'm having a problem with my netbook. How do you boot into a CD-ROM or USB? My netbook is a Samsung NP-N100S-E01PH. I could boot to a CD when I installed WIndows 7 but it could not detect Ubuntu CD Installer. Please help me any way possible.

Member Avatar for catsman
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The whispers have been [URL="http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/08/leaks-begin-to-pile-up-concerning-legendary-apple-tablet.ars"]getting louder[/URL] lately that Apple will be be announcing the long-rumored Tablet next month at its September keynote. We have all learned that these rumors are [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3626.html"]often wrong[/URL] and Apple moves at its own pace, but the idea of an Apple Tablet with a 10 inch …

Member Avatar for AliTheChamp
Member Avatar for joao_pimentel

Hi, I'm interested in buying a netbook, and I was searching, but I didn't find any information, on which models had integrated 3G modems in them? Is there any list of netbooks models which have integrated 3G modem? I need web ubiquitously :) Thank you

Member Avatar for helpfixanypc
Member Avatar for JeyC

I use ubuntu netbook edition on a Samnsung N150. Used to work fine. * But network manager does not appear at startup anymorw. * Under preferences > I have the following enabled ... nm-applet --sm-enable Because this is ubuntu netbook edition I don't have the standard menu to access > …

Member Avatar for andrewll2
Member Avatar for happygeek

The Swiftpoint Mouse is primarily designed with one purpose in mind, and that is to replace the touchpad on your laptop or netbook. Indeed, unlike any mouse I've ever used (and that includes the smallest of portable units) the Swiftpoint can be comfortably operated within the confines of the palmrest …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Djacques

There is an acknowledged problem with the Samsung NC10 netbook and other of their netbooks. Mine was about 3 months out of warranty. Problem: Screen goes blank at higher brilliance levels. Disclaimer: The following will work but is not a repair! The logic and troubleshooting might be a good laugh …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17189[/ATTACH]I'm here at the Intel Developer Forum 2010 in San Francisco, and this has been a great opportunity for a programmer such as myself. While most programmers might think of Intel as a hardware manufacturer and look to other companies (such as Microsoft) for their development tools, in fact that …

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for jaymz1972

Hi all, I'm back with a new problem. :) I have a Medion Akoya E1210, a MSI Wind U100 copy, netbook. Whenever I unplug the power adapter the netbook dies. Replugging it boots it up again. At first I thought it was the battery but I have another battery (we …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for happygeek

Netbooks remain hugely popular courtesy of their small form factor and low price, both achieved partly due to the relatively limited technical specs of the average device. Low computing power and Internet security suite software do not, it has to be said, traditionally make for good bed-fellows. Which leaves netbook …

Member Avatar for WASDted

Hey folks, check out the photos from DaniWeb's events this past Wednesday night. If you are not already a fan on Facebook [URL="http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts"]go here[/URL] [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=233959&id=265645417068&ref=mf"]Photos from "Dinner with Dani"[/URL] the dinner event that was designed to mimic DaniWeb.com [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=233959&id=265645417068&ref=mf"][ATTACH]15333[/ATTACH][/URL] [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=229536&id=265645417068&ref=mf"]Photos of the After Party[/URL] where we gave away an Apple …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for happygeek

I thought the answer to this question was pretty straightforward, to be honest, in that a netbook was smaller, cheaper and less powerful than a notebook. That was until this press release about a couple of new Toshiba models arrived in my inbox which kind of muddies the water somewhat. …

Member Avatar for newsguy

OK, so it might not be quite as talked about as the mythical [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story245295.html"]Apple iTablet[/URL], but the [URL="http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2009/11/23/239414/Google-Chrome-OS-A-threat-to-Windows-7.htm"]Google Chrome[/URL] OS-based netbook is also creating quite a stir. According to the [URL="http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/20091227/google-chrome-based-netbook-tech-specs-are-out.htm"]IB Times[/URL] the Chrome OS netbook will have the following tech specs: An Nvidia Tegra chipset (given the late 2010 …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for happygeek

Writing at the official Windows Experience blog, Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc refers to the latest NPD Retail Tracking Service data which shows that as of the February 2009 the Windows share of the US netbook market is a staggering 96 percent. That's up from less than 10 percent of US unit …

Member Avatar for tekd
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.toshiba.com"]Toshiba[/URL] has launched a new selection of notebook computers - but they look rather like Netbooks. Priced at the upper end of the cheaper notebook market (and the exact cost will depend on your territory, let's just say they're starting at £429 in the UK) they're called the CULV satellites …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

This week I went to an annual press launch in London. Called [URL="http://www.myplaybite.com"]PlayBite[/URL], it's not half as salacious as it sounds, just a group of companies that share the same PR company (also called Bite, you can see where they're going with this) exhibiting stuff. There were a few gadgets …

Member Avatar for shutslar
Member Avatar for newsguy

The Google Android OS is coming to the Acer Aspire ONE netbook, and sooner than you might imagine. As a happy ONE owner myself, and a keen observer of all things Android, the news that it could be as soon as Q3 this year really pleases me. Jim Wong, President …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The Android is about to take the leap from the cell phone to the netbook, and much like the first Android-powered cell phone, the first iteration is a bit of head-shaker. Instead of a dazzling showcase, it's underpowered and small, and although it has some interesting qualities, cost is going …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When Google released Chrome last Fall, I wrote that it represented a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3092.html"]direct attack on Microsoft and Apple[/URL]. This week, my colleague [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=334716"]Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols writes in ComputerWorld[/URL] that Android could be coming to a Netbook near you by the end of this year. If this reports turns out to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Dell is taking the netbook market by the horns, it would seem. First it [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23391/1231/"]refuses[/URL] to accept that the Psion netbook trademark is a valid one, and now it bucks the market trend for not being able to sell Linux powered netbooks. While the netbook market [URL="http://www.happynews.com/news/2242009/netbooks%20xp%20windows%20later.htm"]seems[/URL] to be moving …

Member Avatar for sugarmag1991
Member Avatar for happygeek

Asus pretty much invented the whole netbook concept as we understand it today with the Eee PC, and for the longest time it sat pretty at the top of the netbook sales charts. The more astute reader might have noticed the past tense here, because Asus no longer rules the …

Member Avatar for dannyblaze
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The fact that Hewlett-Packard is taking its netbooks more seriously is to be welcomed. A while ago I was going away and my laptop broke down; armed with my existing 3G dongle and an Asus eeePC I was able to use Google Docs to keep all my work up to …

Member Avatar for newsguy

At the risk of being sexist, does anyone really fall for this 'computers for the ladies' hard sell? I am assuming that the answer must be yes, otherwise companies would not keep pumping out the pink gadgets and Hewlett Packard would not have come up with the special edition ladies …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Dell has been pretty busy of late in the netbook market, what with the high profile launch of the shiny little [URL="http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/laptop-inspiron-9?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs"]Inspiron Mini 9[/URL] that caught the attention of media and public alike. About six weeks ago I was writing about how Tesco, the British supermarket giant, had slipped up …

Member Avatar for happygeek

With speculation about it entering the netbook market rife at the moment, you might imagine that we would hear the usual stony silence from Apple regarding the matter. After all, keeping quiet and then leaking droplets of information as a launch approaches has worked well for pretty much every other …

Member Avatar for Bigboy06
Member Avatar for khess

The New Dell Inspirion Mini 9 may well become my best friend. I noticed today that [URL="http://www.dell.com"]Dell[/URL] is previewing their new line of Mini Notebook computers and they are impressive. The Dell Inspirion Mini 9 is Dell's entry into the mini notebook market at a very low price point: $349. …

Member Avatar for almcsolutions
Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

An elderly woman in Ohio has been pretty much beaten to a pulp by AT&T (not physically, of course, but it almost might well have been). Here's the story: Mandatory phone rentals went out in the 80's when the big phone company breakup went down, right?. There is this woman …

Member Avatar for Toulinwoek
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to [URL="http://www.spreadfirefox.com"]Spread Firefox[/URL] the Internet Explorer alternative has been downloaded 200 million times. Which sounds impressive enough, until you factor in the small matter of downloads not being the same thing as actual users? Yet while Spread Firefox admits as much and reminds us that the 200 million figure …

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The End.