67 Topics

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Member Avatar for sjgood

I need help with two things.... 1. I would like to lower the speed of the snake. 2. I want to make the screen, snake, and food bigger. I really need to change the speed. The 2nd thing is just something extra. But, I've tried a bunch of little things …

Member Avatar for cmps

Hello, I want to know if I am doing a list of students, which are executed from database (mysql), does the number of data influence in the speed of the page load? if yes: What to do ? And for how much data should I start to think for a …

Member Avatar for cmps
Member Avatar for Hoff123

Hi! I am just wondering what would be fastest(performance-wise) of Game Maker(with GML) or Python with Pygame?

Member Avatar for Tumlee
Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hi, I have very simple project in vs2010 and mssql 2008. with only single page for example. when i run project its take too much time for loading.. when i change the value of radio button it will take some process. i use updatepanel also and autopostback=true radio button takes …

Member Avatar for carrieathomer
Member Avatar for kungfujam

The below bit of code is running very very slowly. I cant see why this should be but there seems to be almost a second delay when I'm using f8 to run through the code bit by bit when I get to the end if...any clues? [code] Sub firstResponse() Dim …

Member Avatar for SpiritualMadMan
Member Avatar for mabelis

Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me a tip: I'm looking for a program to measure the speed of my internet connection. Of course, there are hundreds of sites where I can take a 'speed test' of some sort, but that's not what I'm looking for since taking a speedtest …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for art_wired

Checked the images on this Nike site today [url]http://www.nikebetterworld.com/[/url] and found they were using multiple images at 1000 + kb per image and the site loaded lickety split!! How is this possible??!! I would love to be able to do this but am having trouble uncovering the info for how …

Member Avatar for art_wired
Member Avatar for jaward1

Hi. Thanks for reading this. Over the last 2 or 3 days I have had a problem with my internet speed. I have tested the router on 2 computers and it has dropped from an average game download speed on Steam from 1 mb/s to around 300kb/s. Any ideas why? …

Member Avatar for skilly
Member Avatar for dschuett

I have the following code working just fine, however I cannot get the .show('slow') on the "myDiv" content to "slow" down when displaying. Actually I can remove the .show('slow') all together and everything still works just fine. It is as if it is ignoring the .show() completely on that line. …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for ComputerNetwork

Very basic way to define the correct Internet Speed is utilize the rule of thumb: • 500 KBps is good, 5000 KBps is great, and 50 KBps is terrible. • We have definitely moved past the age of dial-up internet. • Have in mind at least ADSL internet, if not …

Member Avatar for carolyncole
Member Avatar for titan_amit

I wanted to know what is the reason that different versions of USB have different speed though they more or less follow the same protocol(by protocol i mean that they have effectively same overhead). For example in the case of full speed and high speed USB max data that can …

Member Avatar for titan_amit
Member Avatar for koveras vehcna

Hi everyone, I have created a random text generator -ok, not so random, works with certain parameters- and at times it runs slowly. I looked up on the internet about speeding tricks and applied some of them that looked concurrent with my code piece. The code however, is still slow …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for 1ML

Hi, I've started developing for Androind [ditched Symbian but that's a whole diferent styory], and I'm not what you'd call a naturall Java developer [much prefer c++]. Eclipse seems to run rediculously slowly on windows 7 (64bit), and running a dual boot system with Linux [on which it seems to …

Member Avatar for 1ML
Member Avatar for DenisOxon

Morning All, I have a customer who has bought a computer with Athlon iix4 Model 635 on a Biostar GF8200E motherboard. This cleaverly alters the processor speed dependant on useage to save energy. The problem is that customer needs to fix the processor speed for a music application he is …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for Queen007

Hi, Everyone... I have a new domain in my hosting account and I've already created a wordpress blog about Cars.. However this is the result of a speed test I have made a few minutes ago makingmoneyblogs.info/carscarereview size=71.36 KB Load Time=36.19 seconds average speed per KB=0.51 seconds As you can …

Member Avatar for Queen007
Member Avatar for george61

In the following problem I have to find the number > 40755 which is triangular,pentagonal and hexagonal. The formulas for these type of numbers are given below. As I read every hexagonal number is also triangular so we have to compare pentagonal with hexagonal numbers. This algorithm gives 9 digit …

Member Avatar for george61
Member Avatar for akase2010

The Assignment is: Write a class named Car that has the following member variables: yearModel, make, speed. In addition the class should have the following constructor and the other member functions constructor-accept the cars year model make as arguments. an assign to the objects year, make also assign speed 0 …

Member Avatar for rxlim
Member Avatar for bill.jeffs

Ive been given a friends laptop to look at and suspect it has a virus on it as it is incredibly slow and some applications dont load, google chrome wont launch, windows live mail launches but when you try to send an email the program crashes.. and the laptop itself …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for happygeek

With Internet Explorer 9 being acclaimed as the fastest ever browser client from Microsoft, DaniWeb decided to put it to the test against Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari and see just how quick it really is in a real world test of web browsing speed. You can read our [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review318661.html"]review …

Member Avatar for Aamirnon
Member Avatar for happygeek

Rather than cover all the same ground again, may we take the liberty of referring you to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review280960.html"]our earlier review of System Mechanic 9.5[/URL] which provides all the basics of what the software is and what it does? In a nutshell though, System Mechanic is a collection of diagnostic, repair …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I have a table with ~10,000 records. There is a "viewed" column which contains either 0 or 1. At some point in my code I want all rows = 1 for the "viewed" column. Does it matter if I set all rows to 1 or set all rows to 1 …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for chrelad

Hi everyone, I made a very quick and dirty PHP speed testing system ([URL="http://chrelad.awardspace.com/speed"]chrelad.awardspace.com/speed[/URL]) and was looking for feedback on different tests that I could add to it. I've only got two tests going right now: Comparison of string concat/replace methods [LIST] [*]Heredoc with interpolation [*]Double quote with interpolation [*]Double …

Member Avatar for chrelad
Member Avatar for SSSD

i am currently downloading a file on the torrent aplication Vuze, and it is just over 10GB in size. I am currently downloading it at around 30-40KB/s, but i've read in forums that people have been able to download at speeds well over 100KB/s. My question is, is this really …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for Sky Choi

I'm trying to make program using Google 5gram data to compare with one of English exam called TOEIC. There are 118 files for 4grams and each size of 4grams are approximately 300MB and each files has 10,000,000 lines. So, here is the point. It requires about 4 or 5 seconds …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Levo

Hi, I am using the following code to download files from the internet: [code=c]size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) { size_t written; written = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream); return written; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { FILE *downloaded_file; if ( (downloaded_file = fopen (download_path , "w" …

Member Avatar for 0x69
Member Avatar for happygeek

Geeks and fast cars have gone together ever since the first young coder made a million developing computer games. However, it takes a true nerd to build a car capable of breaking the land speed record and hitting 1050 miles per hour. A team of true nerds, and a whole …

Member Avatar for SSSD

Well basically my problem is that when i use the built in defragmenter it takes a few hours to defragment, i don't know if thats normal but it seems very slow. So i was wondering if there is any other defragmenter that is definately faster. Thanks in advance. Packard bell …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for mobay

First of all, I sincerely hope I have posted this in the appropriate forum. I did read the rules and am doing my best to follow them. I found this website years back when my browser was being redirected to go.google.com and here I found help in removing "unwanted" files, …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for parthibangemini

Do any of you know what is the difference between the two type of Rams, both are same DDR2 800MHz 2GB ram of same company specifically Transcend. why there is a change in the memory frequency 2:3 and 5:6 what are those. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDR2 Transcend 2048 MBytes PC2-6400 (400 MHz) …

Member Avatar for whisk3rs
Member Avatar for starner

I have an Asus G1Sn laptop that is stock except for a CPU upgrade. Instead of the T5550 at 1.83 ghz (800 mhz FBS) I now have a T9500 at 2.6 ghz (800 mhz FSB). My problem is that when running a diagnostic program like CPUZ the processor is displayed …

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The End.