Hello, everybody.

Out of the blue I recently received an e-mail from somebody who would like to put a text ad on my website. This is the first such offer I have received, and I have no idea how to price an ad.

Is it based on the PR of the page on which I place it? Is it based on the traffic the page receives (less than 500 visitors per day)?

Off the top of my head, I am tempted to base the rate on my monthly hosting rate; that way, I'd finally have a way to make the website at least pay for its own hosting charges.

Anybody else in these forums have to make the same decisions? I am curious to hear how you determined an advertising rate.

You have to be careful that the person wants to advertise for the sake of advertising, and not just for the PageRank juice. It's a good idea to add the [search]nofollow tag[/search] to the link. Otherwise, you're violating Google's TOS, which isn't a good idea if you get a significant amount of traffic from Google.

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, it's hard to give you a ballpark figure ... based on what you're saying, I'd guestimate $75 a month but I really haven't considered anything like this in years so I am a bit out of the loop to know what the going rate is.

For less than 500 a day, probably 25-75 a month or so.

I would advise that the site who wants add a link is in the same niche that you are.

Example: your site is about building cars, the link site is about plants, this is not good linking practice..

Instead have , your site is about is building cars, the link should be about spraying your car..

Always add links that has a same service or products in your niche..

Now coming to the point on what you should charge, I would advise that you charge $9.99 for 2 weeks, then check with site if they are getting traffic , if happy charge $39... then what you do is do a search on google for sites that are in the same niche you are in... lets say you get 5 sites x $39 = $ 195 ...

Always try to get the turst of site that is going to link with you...

You can create some extra income by selling links...

Hope that helps

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