hello frnds...am very confused about sitemaps.....i don't know how to generate them, i did it in past but was unsuccessful as many of the sitemaps generating software's are not free of cost...tell me easy and fast way to create sitemaps for my blog....friendly site map for all the search engines....specially google......thnxx

hello frnds...am very confused about sitemaps.....i don't know how to generate them, i did it in past but was unsuccessful as many of the sitemaps generating software's are not free of cost...tell me easy and fast way to create sitemaps for my blog....friendly site map for all the search engines....specially google......thnxx

Um ... do a search for free sitemap generator and you'll find hundreds of them and they all do just about the exact same thing.

Um ... do a search for free sitemap generator and you'll find hundreds of them and they all do just about the exact same thing.

@ canadafred.......lol........if i have to search myself than what is the use of joining this community...i thought u people help here....thnxx but no thnxx for ur suggestions.......and i have not joined this community to get my posts edited.....okkk

If you have a wordpress blog you could use a plugin called "Google XML Sitemaps"
By the way, try writing more organized...

It is very easy to create XML Site map. you can simply use the site xmlsitemap.com . It will create site map in free of cost.

It is easy to creat site map with xmlsitemap.com . I have used that site for my all site map creation.

Hi Raj,

You can easily generate ur sitemap through (http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ ) and set automatic priority, download or copy and paste.

Also u can set the prioryt of ur page manually for Google crawling..

Would you like to these type of information than visit and contact : <A href="http://www.wildnettechnologies.com/">SEO India</A>

You can create a site map by hand coding in html or by using site map tools that's called site map generators and off course you can create site maps by using xmlsitemap.com for site.

What is the recommended maximum links in one google sitemap ?

What is the recommended maximum links in one google sitemap ?

Google has a 50.000 URLs per file limit.

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