Necessary of XML sitemap ?

Erm, do you want to try that again but this time wrapping it up in an actual question?

If you're asking if XML map is necessary in SEO, then my answer is YES! Creating an XML sitemap in your website and sending it to search engines is among the necessary task of an SEO campaign. In order to bring in more targeted traffic to your website, XML maps are necessary.

commented: I agree +2

Yes . It is necessary to have a site for every site . Search engine can easily find you site pages

Yes its very helpful and helps the search engines find all your inner pages of the site.

Why is Google having trouble scanning my sitemap? I'm running my blog on Tumblr and Tumblr generates a sitemap for you.

Yes its very helpful

Yes sitemap in XML version is easy to read for search Engine.

How can we create a sitemap for a website ? Do we need a developer for the same task or we can create it ourself ?

Why is Google having trouble scanning my sitemap? I'm running my blog on Tumblr and Tumblr generates a sitemap for you.

have you checked the sitemap that tumblr generates
if its not valid xml it will downgrade the site rating
have you submnitted the sitemap to google
If you dont do it yourself, you cant trust the doing

sitemap is necessary & helps the search engines to easily crawl & index the web pages.

XML sitemaps are important for any site . Search engine can easily crawl you site if you have sitemap in your root directory

Xml site map is very useful for every site in seo point point of view.

I have submitted the three myself.. It should be, tumblr claims it to be.

have you checked the sitemap that tumblr generates
if its not valid xml it will downgrade the site rating
have you submnitted the sitemap to google
If you dont do it yourself, you cant trust the doing

How can we create a sitemap for a website ? Do we need a developer for the same task or we can create it ourself ?

You can crearte site map for free there are many tools available that can help you with it. just type Site Map creator on Google and you will get results.

To the OP, Yes, Having an XML sitemap is absolutely a must! as SE's are able to read them faster

How can we create a sitemap for a website ? Do we need a developer for the same task or we can create it ourself ?
Human readable sitemap, is not a good idea, it is an indication to all that YOU consider your navigation unreliable
xml Machine readable sitemap: can't do without

It's not necessary if you think your pages are getting indexed fast without xml sitemap.

Or are you confident that your all pages are indexed ??

If not then it's necessary to have you a xml sitemap and submit it to google webmaster tool

If you really want that your site should be read by Google than firstly Submit your sitemap in Google webmaster as well as create XML sitemap and add it on webmaster for better crawling and indexing by Google crawler.

Sitemap is an important part of every website if your are doing seo on your site.
Becouse search engines cam easily find all the links and pages in your website through sitemap.

XML sitemap is very important.

site-map make your web pages url collection so user can easily find his searching content due to well indexing. and search engine easily crawl it.

Necessary of XML sitemap ?

It is not necessary but it is seriously recommended as the XML is easily understandable by Crawlers and also the webmaster tool advices for it. So I guess when two big daddy's demand it, it must be important!

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