Simply show hide div Using css.. a popdiv visible when hover on download link same with other links. but in ie7 there is some Z-index problem

My code is below (please be kind, I know I'm not very good at this), any help is appreciated.
`<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="product_resulttable">

    <td><div class="imgbox"></div></td>
    <td>DMC-ZS19K<br />

   Manual pics</td>
    <td>03 Oct,2012</td>
    <td><div class="actionlist">
    <ul class="dott">
    <li><a href="#">Download</a>

    <div class="popup_div">
       first block

      <li><a href="#">Add to Basket</a>
       <div class="popup_div">
      second block

        <li><a href="#">Share</a></li>



  .actionlist { background:#e6eaf6; border:1px solid #d9e0f4; border-radius:5px;    width:132px;  padding:8px 0 }
      .dott { list-style:none;  background:yellow }
   .dott li { display:block;position:relative }
   .dott li a { display:block; padding:2px 9px; color:#454545; font-size:11px; }
      .popup_div{position:absolute; z-index:9999; background:#f5f6fb; width:140px; border:1px solid #c2d0eb; min-height:140px; left:-5px; display:none }
     div.actionlist ul li:hover > div.popup_div { display:block; }

here is jsfiddle link:

z-index is not an absolute measurement, where your specifying z-index your specifying relative
heres: your updated code but it has a lil move

     .actionlist { background:#e6eaf6; border:1px solid #d9e0f4; border-radius:5px; width:132px; padding:8px 0 }
.dott { list-style:none; background:yellow }
.dott li{ height:20px;}
    .dott li a { padding:2px 9px; color:#454545; font-size:11px; }
    .popup_div{position:relative; z-index:9999; background:#f5f6fb; width:140px; border:1px solid #c2d0eb; min-height:140px; left:-5px; display:none }
    div.actionlist ul li:hover > div.popup_div { display:block; }
commented: thnks a ton ! u save my day +0
commented: Nice work! +9
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