
I have a problem with my barebone system,it was running fine for a couple of months untill one day. I turned it on and a error message came up like this.

BIOS ROM checksum error

Detecting floppy drive A media ...
Drive A error. System halt.

1. I don't have a floppy disc drive in my system
2. i've plugged one in and the same screen comes up but says insert system disk
3. i can't get in the bios screen,this error comes on as soon as you turn the pc on, i have tried all the F numbers and del. but still the same.
4. it has booted up windows a few times after resetting the computer many times, but now wont work at all.
5. i have changed the battery but its still the same.

Can anyone help??


Try resetting CMOS by taking jumper and putting in pins 1-2 to clear and then put back. Jumper located where the batterie is on the motherboard. Then hit f1 to continued. Could be harddrive when bad that why it try to load from floppy check to make you see a harddrive in bios.


Just tried that and it still does the same. Still can't get into the BIOS at all. Computer just locks.


BIOS code itself are damaged more then likely, replaced board can order new rom chip if removable or send board to manafacter they will falsh it at a small cost. Checked powersupply make sure voltage is not to low.

i had the same problem, try awdflash 8.54b
no other versions did it, get the file from:

and use it with te folowing switches
AWDFLASH.EXE flash_file /PY /SN /CC /R /CP /CD /QI

hi pinky, can you check your RAM, try removing it and clean the gold fingers before you put it back..see if it can works..

download update bios and save it into drive a.

download update bios and save it into drive a.

and that would do what ,saving it into a drive [your words ] will do nothing ,also the post you posted to is 2 yrs old .

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