I'm running Windows XP Media Player 11. I have sound from Music CD's and other sources but DVD's play with no sound. Any suggestions?
Also...when I put in a music CD it brings up the Itunes site and plays there by default.

I'm running Windows XP Media Player 11. I have sound from Music CD's and other sources but DVD's play with no sound. Any suggestions?
Also...when I put in a music CD it brings up the Itunes site and plays there by default.

first ,for the default player ,go to my computer ,right click on the cdrom icon and go to tools /auto run anf there you can set the program you want to play music cd's .
are the dvd in question made by you or are they rental dvd's

Commercially made, Movies all dvd's don't play.

sounds like codex problem,
try this player to see if it works, http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ ,if it works then you need dvd codex for media player ,did you get dvd player software with the dvd player when you bought computer ,like power dvd or some other software ,if so try install or reinstall it .

I saved the download to desktop...do I just run it now and it will install itself? Let me know and I'll give it a try. A buddy "built" this computer for me out of variuos parts...so I don't have any software for the DVD player...any way I can tell what model, etc the DVD player is and possibly track down software to make it work? Thanks for all your efforts on this...

I saved the download to desktop...do I just run it now and it will install itself?..

yes you have to click on it to install it .

Ok...I downloaded VLC Media Player and the sound is back> :-)
Suggestions for what to do next about fixing media players sound? Again...thanks for any and all help.

I went to the download site...not sure which to download ( a movie codex or audio codex just to fix the sound problem?) Sorry... I'm not very good with computers.

common sense prevails ,sound codex of course

Thank you CaperJack and Dr Inferno for the Codex info and fix...all is right with Media Player Sound. I really appreciate your time and help!!!

your welcome ,good to HEAR it worked

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