I got an old laptop to play with. I noticed that C: shows only 17Gb. There in no other drive. it should be 30 or 40.
When trying to enter my computer/manage/disl management, I got the above error.
Please help,

Thanks sknake
What I did was to manual many services and reboot, so only essential services started. This I did because the laptop was very slow.
I did not make a restore point, I did not check the disk management before because I did not suspect the disk to be 16GB. so maybe it was like that before the services change.

Did you disable the RPC service? That would certainly cause this error along with many other errors. Blindly disabling windows components is typically not a way to solve problems and it usually creates more. The "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" should be started with a start type as automatic.

Thanks sknake,
first - problem is solved.
Second - I did not stop the RPC, it is automatic and started.
The solution just happened - I used CCLEANER to clean registry, and that was it.
Thanks again

I'm glad you have found a solution to your problem.

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