I am using Windows XP SP3.

My Norton subscription ran out. So I downloaded the free McAfee software from Comcast.

I had to adjust the settings as I wasn't able to receive ANY email to MS Outlook. Annoying, but fine.

Since then, I have not been able to perform any updates, or download any programs as my internet connection appears to be unrecognized...yet I am on the internet now.

I uninstalled McAfee. Didn't fix the problem. Went to reinstall, and it won't let me as it doesn't see my internet connection.

I am using Explorer 8.

Any suggesitons?

uninstall IE 8 and Install IE 7 then try

before trying above suggestion..maybe you can try to ping.. like ping yahoo.com check if you can get a reply message..if the ping is successful but not able to browse internet then it could be settings on your IE.. try installing other browser like firefox.. or do as suggested above check if it will help...

I "pinged" and it all looks good!!

I am going to try and uninstall IE8 and reinstall IE7. Should I not make the upgrade back to 8?

I wasn't able to downgrade to IE7 as it wasn't available for XP SP3. I reinstalled IE8...problem still there. I can surf the internet, get on just fine...but I can't download anything. VERY frustrating, anymore suggestions?

Check your windows firewall rules out. A lot of times browser traffic will work with those anti virus programs installed (i hate norton and mcafee equally) because it uses a proxy server so it can further hinder .. i mean .. protect your internet connection. Uninstalling AV software with complex firewalls also causes them to shut down their network analyzers and remove the hooks in the system.

Can you go to DOS and type this:

C:\>ftp ftp.kernel.org
Connected to pub.us.kernel.org.
220 Welcome to ftp.kernel.org.
User (pub.us.kernel.org:(none)):

Basically just type "ftp ftp.kernel.org" on the command line and see if a connection can be made. Ping uses ICMP which is sometimes permitted in firewalls but FTP will use TCP.

Norton/ symantec. The latest product seems to be performing better in the mix. Anyway, trot along to this page and get the correct removal tool for your version of Norton - use it to completely clean out your old AV.
THEN, install your new AV. Mcafee? Ummm....
You may then need to uninstall and reinstall any third party firewall.
Your ping going thru but not any browser traffic points to the AV. An AV acts as a proxy for your browser, handling all TCP traffic. Ping.exe is ignored.

Norton/ symantec. The latest product seems to be performing better in the mix. Anyway, trot along to this page and get the correct removal tool for your version of Norton - use it to completely clean out your old AV.
THEN, install your new AV. Mcafee? Ummm....
You may then need to uninstall and reinstall any third party firewall.
Your ping going thru but not any browser traffic points to the AV. An AV acts as a proxy for your browser, handling all TCP traffic. Ping.exe is ignored.

This worked!!! I can't thank you enough!!!

You just did.

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