I have an old crappy windows 98 computer, and i need to format it, im gotta put linux on it...but i cant format it the way all the google pages say (http://www.bholcomb.com/formatwin98.html for example...) because the floppy drive doesnt work properlly. Using those instructions, i created the boot disk fine, got delpart fine, but when it came to coping those other 3 files, it didnt work properly, some error message was displaied, and it cant read the damn thing, when i boot with the newly created boot disk, it doesnt do anything, just boots normally... PLZ HELP AND SORRY FOR MY LAC OF INTELEGENCE!!!


If you aren't going to be reinstalling Windows 98 on the machine, you don't need to follow a Windows 98 guide. Just install the distro of Linux you want while following the instructions that it provides. It will walk you through the formatting process.

ok, ill try it, thanks a bunch man, i was planning just to use a live CD version of linux, to save memory, seeming how the comp doesnt have alot of it, and its slow, plus internet= crap lolz but thanks man, your way is prob the easiest and fastest, plus prob the only...thanks a bunch

Not a problem.

Using a Live CD OS is a good way to make use of an older system. You can find a nice list of Live CDs here. My personal favorites are SLAX (the Kill Bill Edition is great), Damn Small Linux, Ubuntu, and ELE (this Live CD encrypts all your communications).

Once you've loaded your new Live CD OS, you can format your harddrive however you please. You should be able to find information about this process on the site for the distro you've selected. If you need any help, let me know which distro you are using, and I can help you from there.

get a new vista based pc for under 300.00 (assuming ur using a desktop pc) and save your self loads of trouble. or get a 450.00 vista notebook.

p.s. do u know that ur 4 operating systems behind?

get a new vista based pc for under 300.00 (assuming ur using a desktop pc) and save your self loads of trouble. or get a 450.00 vista notebook.

p.s. do u know that ur 4 operating systems behind?

hello, do you know that you are 2 1/2 years behind in that answer,check post date .and also using chat program shorthand ,something not used in help forums .thanks

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