sorry, this is a 98 question, but a lot more people are in here then the windows 98 forum....i just installed windows 98, except the graphics are piss. i can barely make out the screen on windows explorer. are there any graphics drivers or something i can download to make it better. the screen resolution is only 480 x something....can i download something to allow me to make the resolution higher...and the colors are only set to 8....can i download something to make the color high....(none of these options are already given to me)..thanks!!!!!!!!!!

Go to the device manager right click you card. Go to properties. TRhen hit update driver. Let it search the net

Go to the device manager right click you card. Go to properties. TRhen hit update driver. Let it search the net

anything about the color scheme or display resolution?

anything about the color scheme or display resolution?

The driver is what allows the system to produce higher resolution images with higher bit depths. In other words, update your driver first, then reboot your system, and let us know if it helped.

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