My Windows Media Player (vers. 10) plays video, but NO SOUND. It doesn't matter what type of file or media I try to play, no sound ever comes out. Yet when I use any other application, sound works fine. e.g. QuickTime, Real Player, iTunes, WinAmp, etc.

I have upgraded all my drivers and they are fine. I tried uninstalling and re-installing WMP10 and that made no difference. All my audio settings are set to max volume and nothing is muted. I checked device manager and all drivers are installed correctly. No exclamation marks.

I am running Windows XP on a P4 with a Gigabyte Motherboard

The problem started after i tried unsuccessfully to install a sound card onto my motherboard. It did not work so I went back to using the onboard soundcard on my motherboard and now have the above problems. What more can i do????

so looks like no one knows how to solve this problem?

I had the same problem as you. All other programs worked and played sound fine Real Player, ITunes, etc. I have a Sound Blaster Live 24 bit, sound card though. The only way I got sound was to go into the Options of WMP 10, choose Devices, and then Speakers. When I choose my sound card thats when NO sound would work, but when I choose Default DirectSound Device it works fine. Weird problem.

I know this sounds too simple, but it solved my WMP 10 no sound problem. Make sure that the Mute button (just left of the Volume slide) is off. People have told me that WMP sometimes spontaneously resets (engages) the Mute button.

thanks SilentAnger, I tried what you said but that made no difference. Both the Default option and Creative Sound Blaster option do not work.

digbklyn, like I said in my original post, nothing is muted. When i click on different options in the WMP menu, i get the alert sound come out of my speakers if i click where i shouldn't, yet no sound comes out when actually playing songs or movies. I know the files have sound too because I can see the graphic equaliser jumping up and down at the bottom of the screen when i click on play.

Anyone else know what the problem might be??

thanks SilentAnger, I tried what you said but that made no difference. Both the Default option and Creative Sound Blaster option do not work.

digbklyn, like I said in my original post, nothing is muted. When i click on different options in the WMP menu, i get the alert sound come out of my speakers if i click where i shouldn't, yet no sound comes out when actually playing songs or movies. I know the files have sound too because I can see the graphic equaliser jumping up and down at the bottom of the screen when i click on play.

Anyone else know what the problem might be??

if you have nero installed the its codecs will not let media player have sound so what you have to do is open the midia player, click tools, highlight plug-ins, and uncheck nero fast cd-burning plug-in and thier you have it now you can hear what ever you wish. enjoy

my problem is somewhat similar but your remedy does resolve my problem. i tried many media players - WMP, quicktime, and other MP from the net, they all appear to be playing sound but there is no sound. i got a supplement software with nero burning software - nero media player. this software is able to play sound. all the normal windows(OS)sounds are also working but all other media players are down. i wouldn't care but i've got to play xvid files which nero media player is incompatible with. i've tried uninstalling NMP and ahed nero altogether, but nothing happened, there was yet no sound in my media players. does anyone have the remedy to this solution or any other way by which i can watch xvid files.


Welcome to Daniweb bidasariah :)

Good luck mdippa!!

same problem here. sound test work fine, internet set to sound option, but sound from media player or internet, though the green bars are jumping, do not play through my speakers. so i dont know what to do to resolve this problem... help???

Welcome to Daniweb :)

Are you sure your player isnt MUTED??

Also check your volume control and see if it might be down all the way..

Good luck!

I am noticing this in Windows7 Home Premium. The solution is to go into the setup and fix the speaker designation on that machine...for some reason it keeps reassigning the default to a non-existant speaker type. It would be interesting to see if that is your issue, too.

Hmm thats interesting . . . . . I wonder why it does that!!

after i burn dvd in wmp i have no sound, yet at first i had sound. HELP!

I'm having the same problem with my WMP. I have WMP 11 and have Windows XP. Every other sound on the computer works fine, but nothing on my WMP works. Nothing is muted and all volume is maximum. My files are .mpg format. I can take a video off my little digital camera and it plays fine with sound, but if I take a video off my cam-corder that is brand new, and the same format, it doesn't play sound. WTF!!!!

See this. Scroll down until you see something like Moving Pictures Experts Group (.mpg, .mpeg, .m1v, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .mpe, .mpv2, .m3u). Read the whole thing

It still doesn't work. I get a message saying that this version of Media Player is incompatible with my version of Windows. Well what the heck.

Does other videos from the camcorder plays with sound. If no, it could be possible that your Windows Media Player lack the codec to play the camcorder files.

You may also try this if you are using Realtek as an audio manager for your computer. This solve my problem.
I am using Windows XP SP2.

Take a look at the right bottom side of your computer, and find a Realtek HD audio manager, right click it and select Sound Manager. On Environment, select the environment that working.

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