Somebody told me to put n—a_Á—ay±m—aÁÇáç±Çáß±Çá§ÁaÇáDZOÇá—±Ç᧱Çár×ÁÇ á+NÇ áLáÇá in my messenger personal message.
Well I put it into it, and it disconnected me and now I can't log back on.
I have windows XP, msn ver. 7.5

I dont have any idea how n—a_Á—ay±m—aÁÇáç±Çáß±Çá§ÁaÇáDZOÇá—±Ç᧱Çár×ÁÇ á+NÇ áLáÇá work.

Please help me.


Welcome to the site :)

Have you first tried re-installing messenger??

If that doesnt work try a system restore to 2 days ago (Before you did this) That might work for you :)

Good luck!

Welcome to the site :)

Have you first tried re-installing messenger??

If that doesnt work try a system restore to 2 days ago (Before you did this) That might work for you :)

Good luck!

I tried to log in from another computer, i cant.
The problem its not in my computer, but in my email.
I re-install msn but does not work.
I dont think that will work system restore.

Anyway, thanks The Dude!

Has anybody any other idea?

Man, I'm telling you right now check out my website:

I just uploaded my blog on how to get rid of the bug if you use Windows XP and it was done to a Windows Live Account, I'm serious

Welcome to Daniweb!

Lets hope your site helps him :)

It does not work in msn 7.5,
I followed all steps in your web site,
but I still can't log on!

Thanks ShadowCon

When you try to sign in then, when it gives you options which I believe are
"reply" "troubleshoot" and "help" click help, and see if there are any steps there you can use

another simple thing you can try is to make sure you time clocks have the right date and time. if your time and date are off messenger doesnt let you sign in.

Hi Guy's,
I formated computer, and the problem is gone.
Thank You ShadowCon and
Thank You The Dude!

Welcome my friend!

Im sorry you had to reformat :(

You don't have to reformat your computer... Follow these steps, they worked for a friend of mine:

To fix, close down Messenger if it's running, click Start, then Run, and type the following:
and click OK.

If nothing appears in the folder, click the Tools menu, then Options, then View tab, click 'Show hidden files or folders' and click OK.

Once you are able to see the folders, right-click the one that corresponds to your Passport and choose Delete.

Next, click Start, then Run, and type the following:
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts

Then remove the corresponding folder again in this folder.

Then restart Messenger and try signing in again.


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