
I had trouble with my computer, and uninstalled trend micro pc-cillin 2007. The problem is that now when I want to re install it, it says its already installed. I try to uninstall from add/remove but nothing happens, i cant find any files anywhere that have been left behind.

Any help on how to clean it up 100%? Thanks

I have tried using other software such as Ccleaner but nothing works and i am out of options


have you checked the registry? there may be some references left that still think it is installed on your comp

start > run > regedit

then use view >> find and enter 'pc-cillin' and see if you get any matches

Thanks. But none of that worked. There is still the uninstall trend micro in the add/remove

are you sure nothing is left in the registry ? i cant see hopw the computer thinks it is installed if there is no record ?

The other night I spent 5 minutes straight pressing F3 on searchs of trend micro (I had no idea how many files were left in the registry) and deleted them.

I will try to reinstall it again. Ill keep you posted

listen up first of all or thats wut i do i show the hidden file the protected and the hidden extension and make the search and run the registry cleaner works for me i always do it when softwares dont wanna get deleted :@

I have searched through the registry with a fine comb. It still says its installed. I have deleted every single file that may of related to Trend Micro, ive done so much my pc may not restart because of all the missing files lol. This is really bugging me lol.

I have searched through the registry with a fine comb. It still says its installed. I have deleted every single file that may of related to Trend Micro, ive done so much my pc may not restart because of all the missing files lol. This is really bugging me lol.

Ah my net lagged heaps and look what happened.

im really not sure then. maybe take a look on their website forum and see if anybody else had this problem ?

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