I've just recently starting using my desktop wirelessly with a Netgear wg111v2 adaptor having previously had the the wireless router plugged directly into pc. Now my computer freezes after a few hours every single day - at least 3 or 4 times.

Help! It is driving me crazy. tried updating drivers via netgear website but no difference.

are you using dynamic (dhcp) ip adresses?

if so that freeze may be when you get assigned a new ip

are you using dynamic (dhcp) ip adresses?

if so that freeze may be when you get assigned a new ip

Honestly don't know what that means. How do I check if I am using a dynamic ip address. I'm using AOL broadband but use Firefox to browse.

well what that means is that generally you have a numerical adress on the internet assigned by your ISP. this is either fixed or changes at a set interval (to make sure they never run out)

inside your network it is simialr. you either have adresses assigned at a set interval by your router to its clients or they are fixed

whenever either your ISP gives the router a new adress or the router gives a client anew adress there may be a momentary pause.

To see if your network uses DHCP right click on the network connection (wireless card in your case) under control panel -> network connections and choose STATUS then the SUPPPORT tab.

If it assigned by your router It should say:

Adresss Type: Assigned By DHCP

well what that means is that generally you have a numerical adress on the internet assigned by your ISP. this is either fixed or changes at a set interval (to make sure they never run out)

inside your network it is simialr. you either have adresses assigned at a set interval by your router to its clients or they are fixed

whenever either your ISP gives the router a new adress or the router gives a client anew adress there may be a momentary pause.

To see if your network uses DHCP right click on the network connection (wireless card in your case) under control panel -> network connections and choose STATUS then the SUPPPORT tab.

If it assigned by your router It should say:

Adresss Type: Assigned By DHCP

Just checked that out and it says exactly what you said, Assigned by DHCP.

Is there anything I can try.


Just checked that out and it says exactly what you said, Assigned by DHCP.

Is there anything I can try.


Howdy Gavin - I have a NETGEAR WPNT121 and have the exact same problem. Sometime it stays connected for a few hrs sometimes less than an hour! Have you figured out a sol'n yet? I have reinstalled the drivers, even popped in a differnt CPU - I still freezes. Grrr what a pain since I have a Weather stn I feed a web page with!


Chuckles G

why not call the netgear support, and the ISP support? that's usually what you have to do before going onto forums...

why not call the netgear support, and the ISP support? that's usually what you have to do before going onto forums...

already spent more than 3hrs on multiple phone calls with tech support :-/ They could not help and since my unit is refurbished they will not return it. SO That's why I'm asking on the forum! And seeing that another member here had the SAME problem, I was hoping he or some other person online might know a sol'n.


hm, okay

have you tried updating the firmware?
what about the ISP? some ISPs, like Canadian Rogers, they don't like routers

yeah me too, i have a usb wg111v3 adapter, it works perfect for xp, but now
that i'm using win7 again, my problem is back again.

what happens to me, though, is i lose my internet connection, the light on the adapter stays on solid(usually it blinks).
nothing freezes until i try to shut down or restart. then i have to pull the plug.
and reinstall the adapter every time

i also have dynamic ip address, anything else i can do besides updating & harassing
netgear about it?

yeah me too, i have a usb wg111v3 adapter, it works perfect for xp, but now
that i'm using win7 again, my problem is back again.

what happens to me, though, is i lose my internet connection, the light on the adapter stays on solid(usually it blinks).
nothing freezes until i try to shut down or restart. then i have to pull the plug.
and reinstall the adapter every time

i also have dynamic ip address, anything else i can do besides updating & harassing
netgear about it?

i downloaded the update and it has not failed for like several hours now
seems my previous post here was unneccessary, ishould've made my own thread

This thread is 4 years old!

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