hey there.

What does one call the network segment where you hold your sensitive databases and servers? Some ppl call it a DMZ cause its protected by a firewall, but I believe this is wrong cause a DMZ is where you put your webservers, mail servers etc.

So what does one call this protected segment? Is not your secured corporate network, cause that’s where your corp users sits.

Thanks a ton

PS: If anyone has any samples of DMZ policies, would you mind sending it though to me on fly2u2@gmail.com, you can delete the names and sensitive information from it, I would like to see the structure.

I dont think it has a name. In my home network for example, i have a router then the DMZ with a webserver in it, and in the client pcs are kept safe behind a firewall and NAT.

sensitive servers are usually kept on a separate lan/vlan, behind an internal firewall

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