Howdy folks, me again. :)

I'm attempting to append to a previously pickled file using cPickle.dump(). But I keep getting the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python25\Python\", line 24, in <module>
p.dump(tempadd, temp)
TypeError: argument must have 'write' attribute

I've opened the file using the 'a+' attribute, which in my understanding should allow Reading, Writing, and appendage. I would love to know where I'm going wrong here, seeing as I've been bugging Google for an hour now, and the Python Docs only confirm what I thought I knew.

I've only been "trying" to program for around a week now, so if it's something quite obvious, please.... be gentle. :)

#User Access for
import cPickle as p
import sys
temp = p.load(open('systemaccess.txt', 'a+'))

def EP(self):
    if self.lower() == 'exit':
        print 'Exiting Program.'
print 'Welcome to the System Account Setup.'
print 'Enter Exit to end the program at any time.'
Username = raw_input('Please enter the username you desire: ')
Password = raw_input('Enter your desired password: ')

if Username.lower() in temp:
    print 'That username already exists.'
    tempadd = temp
    tempadd[Username.lower()] = Password.lower()
    print tempadd #Print to screen for debug. Remove in final revision.
    p.dump(tempadd, temp)

you need to use the file handle and not the loaded object when you dump. You should just reopen the file for reading or writing and not worry about a+.

#User Access for
import cPickle as p
import sys

my_file = 'systemaccess.txt'
file_handle = open( my_file, 'r' )
temp = p.load( file_handle )

def EP(self):
    if self.lower() == 'exit':
        print 'Exiting Program.'
print 'Welcome to the System Account Setup.'
print 'Enter Exit to end the program at any time.'
Username = raw_input('Please enter the username you desire: ')
Password = raw_input('Enter your desired password: ')

if Username.lower() in temp:
    print 'That username already exists.'
    temp[Username.lower()] = Password.lower()
    file_handle = open( my_file, 'w' )
    p.dump(temp, file_handle)

Worked Perfectly, and thanks for the explanation. Hope I can keep this straight in my mind now. lol

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