Alright, this is the best text based RPG I have created, and I have refined all the bugs and such. I have gotten a few questions on whether it is beatable without dying, and it IS beatable without dying, but be aware that you most likely will die quite a few times unless you use a cheat code..but hey, games aren't tough if there is no challenge. :P
Anyway, there are still probably a few minor bugs. Please let me know if you find any!!

Here is a list of features:

- Lots of Random! There are random events, random earnings, etc.

- Alignment system! The game will take note of your decisions and decide whether or not your character is good...or bad. These two factors will determine the monsters you face..and the final boss. (Satan or God)

- Many Options! Here are some of the options:
• Upgrade Armor
• Upgrade Weapons
• Look around the area
• Train
• Increase Health
• Spell Shop
• Armory
• Weapon-smith
• etc.

- AutoSaving! Every time you enter the main screen, it autosaves your progress..this may come in handy if your PC crashes or you just don't feel like playing.

- Cheatcodes! Heh..don't resort to these too fast..

Well, that's about it. I haven't had many people play it yet so it may be good, or it may be bad. Don't expect too much from text-based games though..maybe I will make another/better game once I learn more efficient coding.

mrnutty commented: Keep it up. +4

Its good. The source is just not so flexible. You should separate it into
files. Make use of structures, if you know how. You use mostly brute force,
even with variables. Also do not use magic numbers, use constants, so
its more readable and clear. Your source has a lot of redundant code. So far its good though. Nice job.

Its good. The source is just not so flexible. You should separate it into
files. Make use of structures, if you know how. You use mostly brute force,
even with variables. Also do not use magic numbers, use constants, so
its more readable and clear. Your source has a lot of redundant code. So far its good though. Nice job.

Yeah, I know my code efficiency could be drastically improved, but this was all our class accomplished in the first semester, and I don't plan on extending my knowledge of C++. As far as separating it into files..that may come later on if I make another game, since it would make it a whole lot easier to navigate.

Thanks for the feedback. =)

>> I don't plan on extending my knowledge of C++

Thats too bad. I guess you don't wan't to further your knowledge about

>>that may come later on if I make another game, since it would make it a whole lot easier to navigate

Ok, I will be waiting for the next game with separated files.

Interesting game,adding class and maybe small structs will make the code clearer and make it simpler to add features to it.

Interesting game,adding class and maybe small structs will make the code clearer and make it simpler to add features to it.

Yeah, I am quite sure it would. Sadly I do not know classes, and probably never will. =(
Are 'small structs' the same as comments, or is that a whole different thing? Because I do have small comments every once in a while just to tell me what/where the functions are.

Thanks for the critique. Who knows, maybe I will change my mind and learn classes, OOP, Structures, etc.

Classes and structs are very similar but differ in different ways to each other.They act like a container of functions or variables or both and allow you to use them as a blueprint for creating objects etc. Comments are just text in different places in the code that help explain whats going on in the program the two are very different things.

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