
I would like to ask on how to create a node using GUI (pseudo code will really help) . It seems that my code does not create a node. I used JLabels and ActionListener to retrieve the data from the JLabels. My plan is to input all the necessary data in a window (As much as possible, I do not want to use JOptionPane unless it is really necessary).

Thanks in advance.

please post your code using code tags.

public class Node extends JFrame
				  implements Serializable{
	//global variables
	public String dept;
	public String pos;
	Node next;
	JFileChooser fc;
	static private final String newline = "\n";
	JLabel d;
	JLabel p;
	JTextField de;
	JTextField po;
	Database d = new Database();
	Container node = getContentPane();
	public Node(){
		super("EneBio Employee Database System");
		this.setSize(650, 450);
		node.setBackground(new Color(45, 38, 72));

		fc = new JFileChooser();
		d = new JLabel("DEPARTMENT: ");
		d.setLocation(220, 70);
		d.setSize(150, 30);
		p = new JLabel("POSITION: ");
		p.setSize(150, 30);
		de = new JTextField();
		de.setLocation(350, 70);
		de.setSize(250, 30);
		de.addActionListener(new TextFieldHandler());
		po = new JTextField();
		po.setLocation(350, 105);
		po.setSize(250, 30);
		po.addActionListener(new TextFieldHandler());
	private class TextFieldHandler implements ActionListener{
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
				if(e.getSource() == de){
					dept = e.getActionCommand();
				}else if(e.getSource() == po){
					pos = e.getActionCommand();
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