In my Delphi9, I have the ability to "Shrink" complete procedures and functions so that only the first line is visible.
There is a small + or - at the beginning of first line of a routine, and when pressed, the code is 'minimized' or 'maximized'.
I find this to be a great way of making code easy to browse through, only opening the routine I need to work with at the moment.

However. I seem to have a problem with this, because when I start writing a new procedure between some of those already minimized, my editor at some point always expand all code below where I am working.

I have tried looking through options for my editor, but I can not find anything of use there.
I simply would like a way to keep the procedures and functions minimized until I choose to open them.

Another thing. I wonder if there is an ability to automatically minimize all procedures and functions in the editor. so that I dont have to click all of them..

Thank you for any help regarding this issue.

Some times the answer is so obvious that it is kind of unreal
within the code I can right click and choose Fold.
It can fold(Shrink/minimize) one or more procedures/methods.

I still have not found the ability to keep them folded though. That is my next goal :-)

Perhaps this article will help.

commented: An article straight to some of that nice extra info. +2
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