Aside from installing iTunes on my computer at work, is there a way to view the music files on my iPod on my computer with some semblance of order.

I connect my iPod to my computer at work via the iPod USB cable. I can play songs randomly - but I cannot play a specific album.

I know how to go into the folder iPod Control on my iPod in windows explorer. However, when i view the files, they are placed randomly into folders and remain named with gibberish.

i could try installing iTunes at work but since i don't have administrator privileges it might not allow me to do so.

any solutions?

You probably want to ask this under windows software instead of windows vista :p

I think in itunes you can go edit>preferences>advanced>keep itunes music organized

I'm not entirely sure what it did, but I suppose its worth a shot- no harm came of it.

Good luck,

--The Comodore

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