I am using map <string, string> to create a map. Inserting and finding operations work fine on solaris, aix but core is generated on hpux. The error shown in core debug as follows:
insert__7rb_treeXT12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator_T4pairXTC12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator_T12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator__T9select1stXT4pairXTC12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator_T12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator__T12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator__T4lessXT12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator__T9allocator_FRC4pairXTC12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator_T12basic_stringXTcT18string_char_traitsXTc_T9allocator__ ()

Has anyone faced the same issue and has got the fix for it??? Please share


How about posting a SMALL and complete snippet of code which demonstrates the problem.

There's more than a passing chance that there's something wrong with your code than there is with the library code.

Success on one system can easily be attributed to "luck" rather than "skill".

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