davewillis 0 Newbie Poster

Got this quiz and want to change the code so that it displays the correct answer for any question that the player misses. I open it/modify it in NotePad and dbl click the file to launch Windows Script Host to run the quiz...

Any help will be appreciated.

'Perform script initialization activities

Option Explicit

Dim intPlayGame, strSplashImage, strAnswerOne, strAnswerTwo, strAnswerThree
Dim strAnswerFour, strAnswerFive, intNumberCorrect, strFederationRank
Dim objFsoObject

Const cTitlebarMsg = "The Star Trek Quiz Game"

'Start the user's score at zero
intNumberCorrect = 0

'Display the splash screen and ask the user if he or she wants to play
strSplashImage = space(11) & "********" & vbCrLf & _
" ******************" & space(20) & "**************************" & _
space(15) & vbCrLf & "*" & space(30) & "*" & space(18) & _
"**" & space(39) & "*" & vbCrLf & " ******************" & _
space(20) & "*************************" & vbCrLf & space(31) & _
"******" & space(26) & "***" & vbCrLf & _
space(34) & "******" & space(22) & "***" & vbCrLf & _
space(37) & "******" & space(17) & "***" & vbCrLf & _
space(26) & " ****************************" & vbCrLf & _
space(26) & "*******************************" & vbCrLf & _
space(26) & "******************************" & vbCrLf & _
space(26) & " ****************************" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Would you like to boldly go where no one has gone before?"

intPlayGame = MsgBox(strSplashImage, 36, cTitlebarMsg)

If intPlayGame = 6 Then 'User elected to play the game

strAnswerOne = InputBox("What was the Science Officer's name in the " & _
"original Star Trek series?", cTitlebarMsg)

If LCase(strAnswerOne) = "spock" Then
intNumberCorrect = intNumberCorrect + 1
End If

Else 'User doesn't want to play

MsgBox "Thank you for taking the Star Trek Quiz © Jerry Ford 2002." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Live long and prosper!", , cTitlebarMsg

End If

strAnswerTwo = InputBox("What Star Trek villain appeared in both the " & _
"original series and a Star Trek movie?", cTitlebarMsg)

If LCase(strAnswerTwo) = "khan" Then
intNumberCorrect = intNumberCorrect + 1
End If

strAnswerThree = InputBox("What was the numeric designation of " & _
"Voyager's on-board Borg?", cTitlebarMsg)

If CStr(strAnswerThree) = "7" Then
intNumberCorrect = intNumberCorrect + 1
ElseIf CStr(strAnswerThree) = "7 of 9" Then
intNumberCorrect = intNumberCorrect + 1
End If

strAnswerFour = InputBox("Name the only Star Trek character to " & _
"regularly appear on two series and at least two Star Trek " & _
"movies?", cTitlebarMsg)

If LCase(strAnswerFour) = "worf" Then
intNumberCorrect = intNumberCorrect + 1
End If

strAnswerFive = InputBox("What is the last name of your favorite " & _
"Captain?", cTitlebarMsg)

If Len(strAnswerFive) > 3 Then
If Instr(1, "kirkpicardsiscojanewayarcher", LCase(strAnswerFive), 1) _
<> 0 Then
intNumberCorrect = intNumberCorrect + 1
End If
End If

Select Case intNumberCorrect
Case 5 'User got all five answers right
strFederationRank = "Admiral"
Case 4 'User got 4 of 5 answers right
strFederationRank = "Captain"
Case 3 'User got 3 of 5 answers right
strFederationRank = "Commander"
Case 2 'User got 2 of 5 answers right
strFederationRank = "Lieutenant-Commander"
Case 1 'User got 1 of 5 answers right
strFederationRank = "Lieutenant"
Case 0 'User did not get any answers right
strFederationRank = "Ensign"
End Select

MsgBox "You answered " & intNumberCorrect & " out of 5 correct." & _
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Your Star Fleet rank is : " & _
strFederationRank, , cTitlebarMsg

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