Arbitrary Expression Programming Software Development by Gen.Asura … program is an calculator which must be able to calculate arbitrary expressions like for example (5.0+8.1)*(2.0…'s just I don't know how to do the arbitrary expressions. My calculator so far does all the basic things… as addition/subtraction/multiplication and division, but it must do arbitrary expressions. I don't have to do system.input it… Re: Arbitrary Expression Programming Software Development by NormR1 [QUOTE] I don't know how to do the arbitrary expressions[/QUOTE] There is a lot of literature that discusses how to parse expressions. This is a topic some people spend weeks studying when learning to write compilers. Perhaps you can get an algorithm from Google or Wikipedia. read in using fread() for arbitrary length data Programming Software Development by cheesy_mel … line) using fread(), the problem is the record length is arbitrary.. e.g. 1 "Joshua" "Rosenthal" "… size and binarization of an arbitrary file Programming Software Development by gyagyus Hi! I need to find out the size of an arbitrary file and then binarize it in C. I can do … decoding arbitrary byte data Programming Software Development by ribot … the data being transmitted can be encoded characters of any arbitrary set (utf-8, latin-1, etc)? 2. If that is… how to send keystrokes to an arbitrary application? Programming Software Development by TheGhost … explain and teach me how to send keystrokes to an arbitrary application? thanks. How to count the area of an arbitrary polygon Programming Software Development by lamtupa … to write a function that computes the area of an arbitrary polygon – so not necessarily a triangle or rectangle, etc. The… Program that reads an arbitrary numbers of integers Programming Software Development by hoganmadman … am trying to do a program that reads in an arbitrary number of lists of integers. SPECIFICS -A valid list of… Define a class which implements arithmetic with arbitrary precision Programming Software Development by svatstika … of them is: define a class, which implements arithmetic (+, -, /, *) with arbitrary precision. This is a new type with just some arithmetic… Re: Define a class which implements arithmetic with arbitrary precision Programming Software Development by mrnutty First you need to be able to represent data in arbitrary length. One way to do that is use a [I]… Heap Data Structure - Removing an arbitrary item Programming Computer Science by blackrobe … that runs in [TEX]O(logn)[/TEX] and deletes an arbitrary element from an [TEX]n[/TEX] element [B]Min-Heap… Re: Heap Data Structure - Removing an arbitrary item Programming Computer Science by blackrobe … an [TEX]O(logn)[/TEX] time algorithm for deleting an arbitrary element for an [ICODE]n[/ICODE] element heap, given the… Reflection/Casting, create arbitrary Objects. Programming Software Development by SasseMan Hi! I'm writing a unit test where arbitrary objects have to be created without knowing anything about the … Re: Reflection/Casting, create arbitrary Objects. Programming Software Development by SasseMan … via reflection. The point is to just create objects with arbitrary instance variables. The test is going to be used to… Re: Arbitrary Expression Programming Software Development by CSloan7597 I would suggest looking at Reverse Polish Notation, which is what most calculators use. Basically, it converts an expression into RPN, a form where all operators come after operands, (postfix) as opposed to in between. Wikipedia shows how a stack data structure can be effectively utilised for this. [url]… Re: Arbitrary Expression Programming Software Development by stevanity If your expression contains only { (,),digits,*,+,/,- } then you can use the "Javascript" Engine. Your choice... But I do recommend what others have said. Convert the expression to Postfix and then use a stack to evaluate the expression. That way it would be a fun and joyful experience doing this. Good luck!! Re: Arbitrary Expression Programming Software Development by Gen.Asura lol thanks guys it did help, it sure as hell wasn't fun trying it but when I got it done and working I've earned a nice german beer. Re: extracting an arbitrary number of numbers from a string Programming Software Development by MattEvans … at whitespace, because in the parts where there IS an arbitrary number of numbers, they are delimited like this: 1/1… Re: extracting an arbitrary number of numbers from a string Programming Software Development by MattEvans … actually [I]use[/I] it in the situation with the arbitrary number of numbers; since, as I mentioned, I forgot that… Re: Parsing arbitrary file. Programming Software Development by griswolf You want to look at the [URL=""]struct[/URL] module which allows you to parse arbitrary sequence of binary types. You need to be aware of big-endian versus little-endian binary layout in the file. Re: read in using fread() for arbitrary length data Programming Software Development by Narue Why use fread at all? fgets seems to be a better fit for your problem, especially since you're using it [i]anyway[/i] to preprocess the record lengths. The more input requests you make, the slower your code will be, so if optimization in your goal, minimize the number of calls that read from the file. Ideally you would keep a portion of the file… Re: read in using fread() for arbitrary length data Programming Software Development by cheesy_mel the requirement says that i need to use fread().. actually the fgets() is a "cheat" code for me to get the length of records, and that part seems to be the one that make my program slower as i read the file twice.. so there's no way to get the length of record directly? Re: read in using fread() for arbitrary length data Programming Software Development by Salem If all you're doing is calculating file access time, what's wrong with just doing random position + random length ? The length of an individual record doesn't seem that important if you're not actually using that record when you're done. All you're going to produce is something like bytes/sec as the answer - right? Re: read in using fread() for arbitrary length data Programming Software Development by Narue >so there's no way to get the length of record directly? No, but you're already assuming that the maximum length of a record is 99 characters, so I don't really see how the length matters. Why not build the length array as you need it, and instead of storing the record length, store the offset of the record. Something like so: [code] recordLen: … Re: read in using fread() for arbitrary length data Programming Software Development by cheesy_mel hi Narue, thanks for your help, it really helps me.. :) first time it was 35 secs only to read 500 records, now it's like 5secs++ for 50000 records.. regards, MeL Re: size and binarization of an arbitrary file Programming Software Development by ArkM What is it - a file [i]binarization[/i]? Re: size and binarization of an arbitrary file Programming Software Development by gyagyus I've solved the problem already, thx. Re: how to send keystrokes to an arbitrary application? Programming Software Development by VilePlecenta on msdn you can find information regarding SendMessage(), or keybd_event() you can use WM_KEYDOWN or WM_CHAR Edit: I also posted a simple console based app that sends words to a minimized notepad [url][/url] Re: how to send keystrokes to an arbitrary application? Programming Software Development by TheGhost the thing is, i dun understand whatever's said in the MSDN website. lol. Re: how to send keystrokes to an arbitrary application? Programming Software Development by VilePlecenta [QUOTE=TheGhost;1124419]the thing is, i dun understand whatever's said in the MSDN website. lol.[/QUOTE] If you do not understand how a window procedure works, then i would recommend start studying there since it is too extensive to explain here. I will however give you a little insight. [CODE] Syntax WM_KEYDOWN // Window message …