Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by chr.s …'m currently working on a site using [Big Cartel](http://bigcartel.com/) - an e-commerce online CMS. This means I'm… page is loaded, using the Big Cartel [API](http://help.bigcartel.com/articles/22-javascript-ajax), which can apparently output products… AJAX in Big Cartel gives a 404 Programming Web Development by chr.s …(); // Attempt to alert products from category // Taken from http://help.bigcartel.com/customer/portal/articles/772751-javascript-ajax jQ(function() { Product… Re: Google Checkout policies Digital Media Digital Marketing by carolinehua … personal sites, maybe on some free or extended platform, like bigcartel, shoplify, etc, u can think of using google checkcout as… Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by blocblue I've not used Big Cartel before, but looking at the API link you posted, it looks as though the following function would allow you to access the data you require. <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(function() { Product.findAll({}, function(products) { $.each(products, function(i, … Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by chr.s Thank you very much for the reply - sadly I'll have to wait and test this tomorrow. TBC... Chris Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by chr.s Well, it's taken me a few hours to get to grips with the above post, but thanks to firebug's console (and of course blocblue's code), I'm almost there. The (hopefully final) issue I have now is that whilst I need my code to be formatted as... [ {image : 'value', url : 'value'} ] ...what I'm actually getting is... [ {… Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by blocblue Can you post your revised code? If you're building the slides array with JavaScript, why have you got equal signs, rather than colons? Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by chr.s The code is exactly as you posted - it just took me a while to get it working (developing in Big Cartel is far from straightforward). When I `console.log(product_slides);`, in firebug I get the array of objects as intended, except they're formatted with "=" signs, as above (which I now understand may just be how firebug displays them, … Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by blocblue >However, the problem remains that adding slides : product_slides, doesn't seem to work. When you say doesn't work, can you be more specific. Are you getting a JS error? Is there no error, but the slides aren't displaying either? Can you post the console output for the `product_slides` variable? I'm wondering whether the image URL is being … Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by chr.s I'm not getting any javascript errors, just no slides displayed. The image URL works when pasted into the address bar (although it's not the correct size, but that issue can wait for now). I'm not able to copy from firebug's console, so please see the attached screenshot. Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by chr.s Can't find a way to edit my previous post - after playing around, I've noticed I'm actually getting the following errors in firebug: TypeError: element.dispatchEvent is not a function [Break On This Error] return base.options.slides[vars.current_slide][field]; TypeError: base.options.slides[vars.current_slide] is undefined… Re: Populating script tags with content on page load Programming Web Development by blocblue I cannot see any reason why the slides would not be getting populated. Is this accessible on a public URL? Otherwise, I can only suggest putting in debug points so you can step through the JS code and find out where the values are being lost. Re: AJAX in Big Cartel gives a 404 Programming Web Development by Dani Maybe I'm missing something, butI see line 12 has Product.findAll but I don't see where you define Product anywhere? Re: AJAX in Big Cartel gives a 404 Programming Web Development by chr.s I should've made it clearer - that's part of Big Cartel's native javascript - the URL in the comment above shows where I got that piece of code from. **Edit** - It seems that this could be an issue with testing in maintenance mode. After a couple of page refreshes and visiting some other pages, and then trying it, it works ok.