'30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … any size or industry. There will be flexible no-code interfaces that allow anyone to build agents tailored to their needs… Re: How we can Choose an Awesome Mobile App Development Company? Programming Mobile Development by Mary_50 … objectives and target audience. * Assess their creativity in designing user interfaces and experiences. * Consider their pricing, adherence to timelines, and post… Re: Interfaces Programming Software Development by paradox814 interfaces are classes which are abstract, which means if you implement … Re: Interfaces Programming Software Development by mallikaalokam interfaces are used when you dont want your classes to be … Re: Interfaces Programming Software Development by stultuske … multiple inheritance. the main differences between extending classes and implementing interfaces: - you can only extend one class, while you can implement… as much interfaces as you want - you automatically 'get' the code you extend… Interfaces Programming Software Development by stupidenator I just have a quick, dumb question about interfaces... What are they? I mean my teacher has been trying … Re: Interfaces Programming Software Development by tonakai … land() in this case) so interface lets you make "interfaces" between your classes. that will help communication of classes... interfaces Programming Software Development by sivak { function 1(){}; function 2 (){}; } in this abstract class let us consider no member function and no implementations are there... how do u declared same function in interfaces? Interfaces Programming Software Development by Yarra Hi I understand the usage of interfaces meaning they are meant to reduce coupling and make coding more effecient. Btu could one explaing how to use it and in what situations regarding in what part of the program do you use it at? Thank s in advance! Re: Interfaces Programming Software Development by elijahStar check this: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/interfaces/index.html Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by J.C. SolvoTerra … and making sure I can implement things such as Interfaces and Abstract classes properly. In short, I'm… of this question is the use of objects within Interfaces, is this common practice, or even acceptable? I….FrontWheel = 36; MyCar.Wheels.TyrePressure.RearWheel = 34; The Interfaces and structure are as follows: /// <summary>Tyre … Re: Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by deceptikon … the use of objects within Interfaces, is this common practice, or even acceptable? …Your interfaces contain properties rather than objects, which…seems to be no benefit. 2. The interfaces appear to be there for no reason other… than to use interfaces. So you want a car class, right?… Re: Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by J.C. SolvoTerra … implementation of objects (which are properties, thanks) and interfaces is acceptable... though in this scenario, very unnessasary and… a complete melon), indeed some\most of the interfaces purely exist to be implemented, there is no …quot; and practice using them. The Whole structure of interfaces is more... How to describe it... representing data … Interfaces and abstract classes Programming Software Development by J.S.AlKatheeeri …, I'm trying to give a breif definition of interfaces and abstract classes, please check if these are right…be implemented in any class that implements the interface. Interfaces provide a kind of multiple inheritance because while a… (i.e. ‘extends’ keyword only used once), many interfaces can be implemented (by using the ‘implements’ keyword before … Re: interfaces and extending Programming Software Development by jwenting Classes can extend only 1 other class (as well as implementing any number of interfaces). Interfaces can extend any number of other interfaces (but can't implement anything obviously). So you can have something like [code] public interface MyInterface extends List, Serializable, Comparable { //... method declarations } [/code] Re: Interfaces, The Basics. Have I Got It Right? Programming Software Development by DaveAmour I haven't seen those interfaces before, shall look inot them, thanks :) interfaces and extending Programming Software Development by server_crash I started over with reading my certification book, and I'm now on page 113. It says that an interface can extend one or more other interfaces.....I thought you could only extend one thing, or do they mean the interfaces that the extended interface extended? interfaces and implementations Programming Software Development by jigglymig1 heres my question: which tend to change more frequently: interfaces or implementations? How does proper OO design take advantage of this observation? I think the answer is implementations Re: interfaces and implementations Programming Software Development by darkagn I would probably agree with that, but why do you think that implementations change more often than interfaces? Re: interfaces and implementations Programming Software Development by Momerath When properly designed, Implementations would change more often than Interfaces. interfaces and classes exercise Programming Software Development by Violet_82 … perhaps I’d try to get a better understanding of interfaces/abstract classes and classes and the relationship between them. I… Re: interfaces Programming Software Development by javaAddict …] can be implemented and others defined as abstract. but in interfaces all methods are declared like this: [CODE] public interface AShape… Re: What are interfaces used for? Programming Software Development by llgms …in your class. You could implement more than one interfaces in your class(you are signing different contracts) but… different design patterns were created using interfaces for Eg Adapter pattern uses Interfaces to let you add a new …class into your existing framework using interfaces or state pattern lets your object have different states… Re: Usefulness of interfaces Programming Software Development by darkagn Interfaces are extremely useful, and there are many examples why. Taking … Re: Generics data type and interfaces Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame Interfaces are typically used when multiple classes can perform the same … Re: Problem with interfaces Programming Software Development by JeffGrigg Interfaces and classes must be [B]outside[/B] of method bodies. [… Re: Using interfaces Programming Software Development by Majestics Interfaces must contain methods which uses the classes object as a parameter. Look at ActionListener Interface, in this interface you will get actionPerformed method. This method uses ActionEvent object. All the backend work is done by ActionEvent object. You must implement your interface in a manner like this. Re: What are interfaces used for? Programming Software Development by marian.ciortea Interfaces represents the functionality you want to have in a class. They are used in IoC containers for injecting the concrete class instances. Re: Interfaces Programming Software Development by stupidenator Wow, it makes sense now! Thank you so much to both of you! :) Re: interfaces Programming Software Development by Ramy Mahrous [code=C#] public interface IFunction { public void Function1(); public void Function2(); } [/code] Your syntax isn't correct. Do you have intension to learn OOP from scratch by asking a lot of questions?! Please mark all previous threads as solved included this one.