Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by Maxipak … do. However, my current understanding of mathematics remains at an introductory-intermediate level of Algebra (no Calc or Trig, as is… Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by Narue … guessing about language fundamentals that are clearly explained in every introductory book I can remember. Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by terence193 Thanks @Narue , most introductory problems solved. The reason is that I just started learning … Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by darkagn The best text book I used in my Mathematics and CS degree was "Linear Algebra and its Applications" by David C Lay, Published by Addison-Wesley. We used it in three of the five mathematics courses I did (including Discrete Math), and can thoroughly recommend it. I hadn't studied anything for 10 years before I decided to go back to … Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by Rashakil Fol I can agree that any book by Strang is good, but I don't think a linear algebra book is the right choice. I say this because I actually had one before going to college -- it was similar in scope to your recommendation, and it didn't serve me very well. [quote]The book I'm dreaming of should be (relatively) easy to understand and provide enough … Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by Maxipak Thanks for the helpful and informative replies. I'd also like to apologize for my late response but I like to wait until my forum posts have had time to stew. As for the topic of preparing for university level maths, I've spoken with a few of my tutors and, most of them, gave me a similar explanation to that of your own, Fol, although in much … Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by JanJozef Thanks for this interesting information Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by wellibedamned i heared concrete mathematics by knuth is good too Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by cinneran Hey all, I am so happy that I stumbled upon this thread. I am also very much interested in programming. But I am not so good at Math. Now I am trying to learn some really useful tips so that I can actually improve my programming skills as well. I found that all the books mentioned over here are really very good. I just love programming and would … Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by Chrishas Hi, does it matter which edition of the books is used? For example Linear Algebra and its applications has a 1988 and the next one I found is a 2004 edition. Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by Rashakil Fol [QUOTE=Chrishas;1673707]Hi, does it matter which edition of the books is used? For example Linear Algebra and its applications has a 1988 and the next one I found is a 2004 edition.[/QUOTE] There are different textbooks by that name, so you'll need to tell us who the author is. (The one by Strang has dates 1988 and July 2005 so if that's the … Re: Introductory Math Book for Computer Science Programming Computer Science by Chrishas Yeah it's the Strang one, In amazon uk there's a 2004 international edition but it's just the 3rd edition I think only an international version. Cheers for the reply. introductory c problem Programming Software Development by terence193 The problem ''Ask the user to enter a year and store it in an int. Then assign to a _Bool variable the value true if the year is a leap year. The leap year is any year whose number is a multiple of four. Take into account that years whose numbers are multiples of 100, except of 400, are NOT leap years. Thus 2000 was a leap year, but 1700, 1800,… Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by Narue [QUOTE]what is a _Bool variable?[/QUOTE] A variable of [URL=""]boolean type[/URL]. The keyword for a boolean type in C is _Bool. It holds only two values: 0 or 1, which correspond to false and true, respectively. C also provides a header called <stdbool.h> that defines more convenient … Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by terence193 how is the boolean condition written though? The logic is that the year is either divisible by both 100 and 4 , OR its only divisible by 4 not by hundred Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by Narue [QUOTE]how is the boolean condition written though?[/QUOTE] Read the chapter again. Assignments aren't given without covering the necessary material, and you don't seem to have been paying attention. Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by terence193 apologies @Narue. well I've been reading my topics and am currently trying to write a simple calculator program. The code is compiling but the output of the result is not outputted. What could the problem be please [CODE]#include<stdio.h> int main () { int x; int y; int decision; int add; int subt; int mult; double div; printf("… Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by Narue [ICODE]decision[/ICODE] is an integer, yet your if statements are treating it as a character. Note that [ICODE]'1'[/ICODE] is not the same value as [ICODE]1[/ICODE]. Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by terence193 Oh , well i arranged that and added a getchar (); after the printf of each statement.. eg: [CODE]if (decision==1) { printf("The addition of the 2numbers is %d \n",add); getchar (); }[/CODE] Is there any other reason why the output isn't well? I know I havent written an [CODE]else[/CODE] command but I dont think it is really necessary. Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by Narue [QUOTE][CODE]scanf("%d\n",&decision);[/CODE][/QUOTE] scanf() is not printf(). Remove the newline from that format string because it doesn't do what you think it does. Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by terence193 thanks @narue. I modified the program to this and it worked well. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> int main () { int x; int y; unsigned int decision; int add; int subt; int mult; double div; printf("enter first number\n"); scanf("%d",&x); printf("enter second number\n"); scanf("%d",&y); printf("… Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by Narue [QUOTE]I just started learning C yesterday and need to become good at least by next January.[/QUOTE] Why the rush? Two months isn't unreasonable for someone with programming experience, but that's predicated on them already being decent programmers and simply picking up the language. But going from zero to "good" would be pushing it, in … Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by terence193 when i mean good .. i refer to being able to answer and understand simple problems. On January I have the exam.. Unfortunately university teachers leave a lot for us to research and on programming I agree since it requires practice. I don't need to become an expert till January. This is what I am required to know. " Basic programming… Re: introductory c problem Programming Software Development by Narue [QUOTE]Basic programming algorithms (e.g. accumulated sum/product, random number generation), basic data types and I/O, language constructs (assignment, if, case/switch, loops), higher data structures (including records/structures, arrays and strings), text files, introduction to pointers and function calls by reference[/QUOTE] Oh, in that case … C, do while loop. Programming Software Development by cloisterham …; system("clear"); //a command to clear the screen //introductory messages to user and get the user choice for banking…,"\n\tWelcome to ABC bank ATM!\n"); do { //introductory messages to user and get the user choice for banking… Need help with preperation for next year Programming Software Development by ChaosKnight11 … is about the Python language. I don't want a introductory book, I want some sort of advanced features book that… From Novice to Professional, but it seems a bit too introductory. Any advice will be greatly appreciated seeing that I really… Capstone Project Idea Programming Computer Science by RLB31384 … or mathematics. The courses I have had are: Python, C++ (introductory and advanced), data structures (also advanced), parallel programming, theory of… programming languages, VB (introductory only), operating systems, software engineering, game concepts class. Also have… using .eof Programming Software Development by aaronmk2 … is reading in 45.85 54 74 t Interpublic Group introductory 31.84 20 50 f Mother Advertising end 22.90… Omnicom Group end 22.15 50 64 f Grey EMEA introductory I can include more code it it might help Help with bi-ref/program won't finish Programming Software Development by sms5660 … code for my homework assignment. I am in an introductory C++ class, VERY introductory. We had to write a blackjack game, but… Null exception error Programming Software Development by jimoaks …, 2007); Course c1 = new Course("BIOL", 1003, "Introductory Biology I"); Course c2 = new Course("BIOL"…; 26 courses System.out.println("Attempting to cancel \"Introductory Biology I\"..."); cu.cancelCourse(c1); // Should not work…