Morris JS - Scaling Y Axis on Graph Programming Web Development by Biiim …]( & [Moment JS]( to run it. You just need a div with… Re: Colored text based on days of the week Programming Web Development by Biiim Check out momentJS, I use [momentJS]( for anything date & time related. You include the … on it I set all the a tags on the momentJS home page red cause it's monday). Re: diference between two dates Programming Web Development by cereal In Javascript this is never a simple task, at least for me, so I prefer to stick with libraries. While waiting for more appropriate suggestions, try with the `difference()` function in **moments.js** library: * Bye! Re: Editing Date format in javascript Programming Web Development by pty … [Fecha]( or [moment.js]( where you can do stuff like this: // in fecha…